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"HOW ARE YOU GETTING FATTER?!" Master shouted as he smacked Michael with a belt against his pale tummy. The hybrid had visibly gained a healthy amount of weight thanks to Ashton feeding him whenever he could, Michael was now rather chubby and his bones weren't jutting out anymore. Master was just pissed off as he was thinking the pale boy was stealing from him instead his own son feeding the boy, "YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO EAT MORE THAN I GIVE YOU, FATASS!" He screamed as he hit Michael once more before the poor boy collapsed to the floor, his bare torso and chest covered in his own blood. Michael coughed as he choked on silent sobs, he rolled onto his back and his vision was foggy, a metal taste in his mouth and even tasting his own blood on his tongue. The door opened and shut once again, then the injured boy heard footsteps rush over and he coughed again, "A-Ashy?" Michael whispered as someone picked him up. "It's okay kitten, I'm here." Ashton cooed and the pale boy swallowed thickly, feeling a cold damp cloth being rubbed against his body, cleaning all the blood off. "M-Master h-hurt M-Mikey." The pale boy croaked, his voice horribly weak and it sounded like he ate a bowl of rusty iron nails, "I know baby, I know. I need you to not talk okay? Your voice will get worse." Ashton cooed as he bandaged the boy up and Mikey nodded, his eyes closing and he fell asleep whilst Ashton cleaned and bandaged him.

"ASHTON!" Michael heard Master shout and the boy jumped out of his skin, trembling from just his voice. He heard more screaming and punches being thrown, the pale boy started to sob as he heard the abuse Master was doing. Michael coughed a bit and then the door swung open, showing Master gripping Ashton by the collar and Michael gulped, seeing his best friend covered in blood and bruises, but still putting up a fight. "I found your little friend." He smirked and then motioned for Michael to come closer, the hybrid walking closer and stopping when he was right at his feet, "Follow me freak, you're gonna wanna see this." Master spat and Michael followed him, shaking and crying as they were taken to the back and Master tied Ashton to a pole. "Watch closely freak." He smirked as he whipped Ashton's back, making him scream and Michael flinched, "N-no! No hurt Ashy!" Michael screamed as he was whipped repeatedly and another man grabbed him from behind, keeping him from running up to Ashton. Master finally stopped and Michael ran out of the man's grip, going over to an almost unconcious Ashton and bending down in front of him. "That's right, get your last words in." Master smirked and Michael looked up at Ashton, putting his hand on his cheek and the curly haired lad weakly smiled. "No leave Mikey." The hybrid whimpered, "Mikey, I have to leave. But, whatever happens to me, I'll always love you." He cooed and Michael kissed him softly, "Mikey always love Ashy too." Michael mumbled and kissed him again before standing up, slowly walking away and he saw Master take out a gun. "Make him watch." He spat and then man held Michael's head so he couldn't look away as Master fired a shot directly at Ashton's head.


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