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"YOU PROMISED!" Michael screamed at Luke as soon as he limped downstairs, "Mikey, calm down." Calum cooed and Michael pushed him away, going up to Luke and tears were pouring down his cheeks. "YOU PROMISED MIKEY NO HURT!" Michael shrieked, "Mikey, I didn't see him go upstairs." Luke tried to explain. "Luke promised Mikey no hurt, but Mikey hurts!" Michael cried and punched Luke in the chest repeatedly, knowing he wasn't doing much since he wasn't that strong. "Michael, calm down." Luke tried, "NO! LUKE PROMISED! LUKE LIED TO MIKEY AND NOW MIKEY HURT!" Michael screamed before kneeing Luke in the special area as hard as he could, causing the blonde to fall to the floor in pain and Michael froze as he realized what he did, sobbing and then running upstairs to his bedroom, flopping onto his bed and sobbing into his pillow. Michael felt someone sit next to him and gently rub his back, "L-Luke l-lied to M-Mikey." Michael sobbed into the pillow, staining the purple covers. "And-and now he g-gonna sell M-Mikey 'c-cause he-he b-bad k-kitty." He sobbed and Calum gently pulled him into his chest, trying not to hurt his bum anymore than it already was. "He's not gonna sell you Mikey." Calum cooed, "But, Mikey hurt him!" Michael cried, still sobbing his heart out. "Mikey, you were mad and you are in pain, he'll understand." Calum cooed and kissed Michael's head, running his finger over a bright purple mark on Michael's collarbone, a whimper leaving Michael's lips. The door opened and Luke (kinda) walked over, sitting next to Michael, "M-Mikey s-sorry." Michael sniffled, "Hey, it's okay. I did promise and I didn't keep it, I understand why you're mad kitten. But, I did kick his ass for you." Luke cooed and Michael giggled a little, "So, you no sell Mikey?" Michael sniffled and Luke shook his head. "Never." Luke smiled and Michael smiled.

"Cal, why don't you give Michael a bath?" He suggested and Calum nodded, carrying his hybrid boyfriend to the bathroom, setting towels on the toilet top so he could sit down while he ran the water. Michael pulled off his (Calum's) oversized tshirt and held it in his lap, covering his tummy purposely and Calum frowned a little, standing Michael up. "No look at Mikey." Michael mumbled, still covering his soft belly with the tshirt. "Why not baby?" Calum pouted, "'Cause....." Michael trailed off, "No want you to see Mikey." He mumbled, blushing. Calum walked over and gently took the shirt from his small hands, wrapping his arms around Michael's soft waist and softly rubbing his tummy, swaying a little. "You're still beautiful Mikey, I don't care how squishy or soft your tummy gets, I'll still love you." Calum cooed, "I love the pudge you have, it shows how healthy you've gotten. You were so thin when you came here, you were like a skeleton, but now, you're soft and a great cuddle buddy and I love it." Calum smiled and kissed Michael's bright red cheek, a giggle escaping his pink lips. "Let's get you in the tub." Calum smiled and took off Michael's panties, gently setting Michael into the warm soapy water. Calum gently washed Michael, the hybrid purring when his ears got washed and giggling when Calum tickled him a little when washing his belly.

Calum helped dry the pale boy off and get dressed, it hurt the poor hybrid to bend down. The tan boy helped Michael into red panties and his smiley face tshirt, upon the hybrid's request and the brown eyed boy couldn't say no to his kitten. Calum laid the tired hybrid down on his bed, laying next to him and pulling Michael to his chest. "Mikey love Cally." Michael mumbled, "I love you too Mikey." Calum cooed and kissed Michael's fluffy pink head, playing with his hair as the kitten boy drifted off to dream land in his arms.

I feel like I'm rushing this story....


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