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Michael skipped downstairs and went over to Calum, hugging him from behind as he made breakfast. "You seem really happy this morning." Luke smiled from the dining table, giggling at the feminine boy who was in just Calum's American flag tshirt and black panties. "Mikey wanna show Cally something." Michael smiled and Calum turned around, the pregnant boy lifting up his shirt and showing Calum his tummy. "The baby growing!" Michael squealed as he put his hand on his tiny baby bump, he was only 2 months along so it was exceptionally small, but it was noticeable if he was shirtless or wearing a tight tshirt. Calum put his hand on Michael's bump and rubbed it a little, making Michael's heart flutter and he giggled. "It's so little." Calum whispered as he bent down so he was eye level with the tiny bump Michael had, pressing a kiss to his pale skin and Michael giggled, "That tickles." He giggled and Calum blew a raspberry on his tummy, making Michael squeal a little. Calum stood back up and Michael put his shirt back down, pressing a soft kiss to his lips and the hybrid smiled. 

"Wanna do you wanna have for breakfast babe?" Calum asked as Michael began to look around the kitchen for food that wouldn't make him nauseous, "Mikey can't find nothing." Michael pouted as he closed the fridge, crossing his arms over his chest and Calum giggled at his toddler like pout. "I can make you pancakes." Calum suggested and Michael thought for a second, then scrunched his face up in disgust that made Luke giggle.







Michael grimaced at everything Calum mentioned, "Being pregnant is no piece of cake." Calum chuckled, "Cake?" Michael smiled, then grimaced, "No." He sighed and sat down at the table, then started smelling the air. "What are you doing?" Calum laughed, "Mikey smell something yummy." Michael mumbled as he stood up, going into the cabinets and the fridge, pulling out pickles and Nutella.

"What the hell?" Luke laughed as Michael dipped pickles into the chocolate spread, happily eating them. "Mikey and Blueberry like it." Michael shrugged, "Blueberry?" Calum asked, "That's the baby silly." Michael giggled as he was now finished with the pickles, but was now drinking the pickle juice from inside the jar. "Pregnancy is so strange." Calum laughed and Michael giggled, then put his hand on his tiny tummy, rubbing it slightly.

"C-Cally?" Michael whimpered from the couch where he had fallen asleep, no one had the heart to make him get up. "What's wrong baby boy?" Calum cooed as he walked over, "Tummy hurt." Michael pouted as he held his belly, "Is the baby coming?!" He asked, getting rather excited all of the sudden. "Oh, baby remember that Troye said you'd get cramps?" Calum cooed and Michael nodded, "That's what these are. The baby will take a lot longer to come." Calum explained and Michael frowned, "How long?" He pouted. "7 months." Calum mumbled and Michael whined, "Why baby take so long to come?" Michael whined and Calum sat on the couch, letting Michael rest his head on his lap so he could play with his hair and massage his ears, purrs emitting from the back of his throat.

Michael rested his hands on his tummy and rubbed it a little, the tan boy noticed he was doing that quite often. He always was rubbing it or keeping his hand on his tummy, saying he wanted the baby to know he was always there, Calum had even heard him talk to the baby sometimes, normally telling the baby about his day or what Calum and Luke were like, about anything really.

"Cally? Wanna talk to our baby?" Michael asked as he sat up on his knees, Calum's heart fluttered.


"Talk to the baby?" Calum asked and Michael nodded, "Blueberry can hear you, Troye said the baby could hear Mikey and Cally and Lukey." Michael smiled as he put his hand on his tiny bump. "What do I say kitten?" Calum asked, "Anything." The hybrid giggled and Calum rested his head on Michael's lap, eye level with his little belly and thought about what he should say.

"H-hi baby." He mumbled and the pale boy smiled wide, "I guess you could call me papa if you want." He smiled and kissed his tummy, "I want you to be a little girl so me and mummy can dress you up in cute little skirts and dresses like mummy wears." Calum smiled and Michael giggled, blushing a bit. "Mikey is mummy." He giggled, they both heard Luke chuckle from the other room and Calum kissed his tummy, then pecked Michael's lips. "Mikey love Cally." Michael smiled as he hugged Calum, kinda strangely since Calum was resting his head on Michael's lap, so he was hugging his shoulders and head. "I love you too Mikey." Calum smiled, "Cally love baby too?"  Michael asked and Calum nodded.

"Cally loves baby too"

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