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"Cally, Cally, Cally." Michael repeated as he poked the sleeping boy's cheek multiple times, earning a whine from Calum and he rolled over. "Wake uppppppop." Michael whined as he continued poking him, "Miiiiiiiikey, I'm sleeeeeeeping." Calum whined as he looked at his pregnant boyfriend, "But, Cally eyes open, so how is you sleeping?" Michael asked and Calum chuckled, "Fiiiiiiiiine, I'm awake." Calum mumbled as he cuddled into Michael's lap, kissing his belly that was now resting on his lap as he was 4 months pregnant, it looking like half a basketball, he was sadly now a little shy of his bump size.

Michael was so excited when his tummy was first started to get noticeable, but now, he was growing insecure for some reason and Calum didn't know why.

"Mikey and Cally and Lukey see Troye today to see the baby." Michael smiled, snapping Calum out of his thoughts. "Oh yeah." Calum chuckled as he stood up, Michael getting up as well and going to his dresser, pulling out some stretchy pants and a sweater. "Kitten why don't you wear one of your skirts? You look so pretty in them." Calum cooed, "Mikey don't wanna." Michael frowned, looking down at the floor. "Why not princess?" Calum asked, "M-Mikey tummy too b-big." The hybrid sniffled and his ears flattened to his head. "Luke bought you special one that stretch over your tummy." Calum cooed, "Make Mikey feel fat." Michael shrugged, "Mikey, you aren't fat. You're pregnant and you're gonna have a baby." Calum smiled, "Baby makes Mikey fat." Michael pouted and Calum sighed, "No matter how big your tummy gets, I'll still love you." Calum cooed, "Even if Mikey tummy was bigger than the moon?" Michael giggled, "I would kiss it all over." Calum smiled and Michael giggled, blushing like mad. "Now, we gotta baby to see." Calum smiled and Michael got dressed, wearing a stretchy skirt for Calum before they went to the limo with Luke.

"No! No poke Mikey!" Michael cried as he buried his face in Calum's chest, refusing to get blood work done. "Miksy, he needs to know if you're healthy." Luke cooed, "Mikey healthy! There, Troye know now!" Michael scolded, hormones acting up a little. "Kitten, Troye wants to know if the baby is healthy too. You want the baby to be healthy right?" Calum cooed and Michael shyly nodded against his chest, "Then, we have to let Troye poke your or else we won't know if the baby is healthy or not." Calum cooed and Michael sighed, sticking out his arm and letting Troye do the blood work. "Owie." He whimpered as the needle went in, a few tears slipping down his pale cheeks and Calum held his free hand, kissing his knuckles and Michael sniffled. "Done." Troye smiled as he bandaged Michael's arm and Michael laid down, knowing the ultrasound was coming next.

He rested his fluffy head on Calum lap and Troye put the gel on Michael's baby belly, Calum playing with his hair and the four boys looked at the screen as the pitter-patter of the baby's heartbeat filled the silent room. "That our baby Cally." Michael smiled as he posted to the screen and Calum's heart sank a bit, knowing it wasn't his since they hadn't done it yet and Tyler is a dickhead, but Michael shouldn't know that.

"Yeah, it is." Calum smiled and Michael held his hand, "Do you wanna know what gender it is?" Troye asked and Michael shook his head, "Why kitten?" Luke asked, "Mikey wanna be surprised." Michael smiled as the gel was now being wiped off his belly and he sat up, needing some help.

"Mikey, in a month or so the baby will start kicking." Troye smiled, "Is the baby made at Mikey?" Michael pouted, thinking the baby was trying to hurt him because it was kicking him. "Oh no, Mikey that's a good thing. That's how the baby says hi." Troye smiled and Michael looked down at his tummy, "Hi baby." He smiled and put his hand on his belly, trying to feel his baby kick. "Baby not saying hi back." He pouted and they all giggled, "The baby will soon Mikey, it will soon." Troye smiled.

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