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Michael woke up and he sat up, immediately laying back down as a burning pain went through his tummy, causing him to whimper. He looked to his side and saw Calum open the door, holding a tray with unknown stuff on it, Michael's vision was too foggy to make out what they were. Calum sat next to the hybrid and Michael blinked, clearing his vision as a wet washcloth was placed on his head, "Mikey hurts." Michael pouted and Calum put a hand on his belly, rubbing it softly. "I know honey, but I'm gonna take care of you and make you better okay?" The brunette teen cooed and the ill boy nodded, swallowing thickly as he felt something rising up his throat. Calum slowly sat Michael up, whimpers leaving his lips and they were followed by a rough gag, a bin being placed under his chin as everything he ate the previous night came spilling out of his mouth, earning tears to fall down his sickly pale cheeks.

"M-Mikey no likes!" Michael cried as the second round of vomit spewed out of his mouth and nose, making the brunette's heart break at the hybrid's sobs. Mikey finally stopped and fell back against the pillows, still sobbing his little green eyes out. "I-icky." He whimpered and Calum set the bucket down, making a mental note to clean it later as he scooted closer to Michael. "I know Mikey, I'm sorry that you're poorly." He cooed as he played with the hybrid's sweat damped hair, "Rub M-Mikey t-tummy?" Michael asked with a small blush on his cute little cheeks. "Of course sweetheart." Calum cooed as he pulled Michael into his lap, rubbing his sickly belly in circles through the fabric of his oversized jumper. Michael sniffled and rested his head on Calum's shoulder, smiling a little that the rubbing was kinda helping his sore stomach. "Feel good kitten?" Calum asked and Michael weakly nodded, coughing gently and Calum put his hand on his forehead, feeling a small fever. "You've got a bit of a fever kitten." He mumbled and Michael just whined, snuggling closer to Calum, "No want hurt." He whimpered.

Calum frowmed as he brushed some stray pieces of green hair out of Mikey's eyes, "Get some sleep kitten, you'll feel better soon. I promise." Calum cooed and Michael closed his eyes, falling asleep in Calum's arms. Calum laid Michael back on the bed, pulling the blanket over him and kissing his fiery forehead before leaving the room.

"Calum, is he alright?" Luke asked as Calum walked into the kitchen, "Yeah, I think he just has a bad stomach bug." Calum mumbled as he went to the sink, washing the dishes. "I feel bad for him." Luke mumbled as he continued typing on the laptop, "Why?" Calum asked. He wasn't told about Michael's past, only the buyers of the hybrid were. "He was abused by his last owner. The owner tortured and killed his boyfriend and made him watch." Luke sighed and Calum almost dropped the wine glass in his hand, "He made Michael watch?" Calum gaped and Luke sadly nodded, the tan boy's fists clenched and he shattered the glass in his hand, "Fucking bastard." He grumbled. "Calum, calm down." Luke cooed as he began running water over Calum's cut hand, "Sorry, it's just....that's beyond cruel." Calum sighed as he got his hand bandaged up by Luke. "I hope he realizes he won't witness anything like that here." Luke mumbled, "Let's just hope." Calum smiled and continued with his work.

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