Delhi reached

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Navya and nandani finally reach Delhi...being in Mumbai and manglore all her life, it felt different... Actually it didn't feel home...on stepping out from the plane nandani heart that very moment nandani wanted to run back to Mumbai. .it had just been few since she left Mumbai and she had started to miss it already....

After all the formalities, nandani and navya reach their was aliya's uncle's nandani and navya to stay in that house as renters....

Navya- nandu Hume ca...I mean maa se Milne Jana hai...

Nandani- OK navya u go...I will also rest a bit...

Navya- theek hai..byee..

Nandani- byee

Nandani tries to sleep but again her haunting past comes in front of her eyes.. .........


Nandani controls her emotions...she dials aryamaan's number and asks him the address of the hospital.. All along her way
Nandani does not stop crying.... On reaching hospital she sees, mukti, aliya, dhruv, navya and aryamaan already present...

Navya runs and hugs comes out of ICU..

Doctor- sorry the boy manik couldn't be saved .....

Nandani and the others become was one such sinario which was sure to sent chill across your spines ....
Nandani faints....
Nandani when regains her, she sees mukti, aliya surrounding her...both of them have tears in eyes...

Mukti- nandani (crying) that bitch nyonika didn't let anyone of us see manik for the last time..

And then mukti started crying very badly that she stops every time to catch her breathe...aliya is also crying a lot...hearing this nandani rans to see ICU ...seeing the ICU empty, nandani breaks down ....she crying so much...more than she had ever cried in her entire life..and murmuring manik come back...manik come back.........manik come back.....

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