Boy's turn

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Its diwali evening...candles, diyas and lights are making the hotel look angelic...after final make up girls head to the garden where they see boys waiting...

Manik POV:-

I see nandani heading towards us..she looks gorgeous!.. She has s wearing a light green lehenga, with black traditional sandal...her hair is tied with a half pony...her silver earrings, manteeka and bracelet complements her dress very well..even if i try i can't help but stare at her...she is the prettiest of all...

Nandani POV: -

As i come to the garden, i catch manik starring at me...his deep intense eyes meet mine, and i look down and blush...
He looked very handsome in his black sherwani and red patiala...


Mukti- abhi, you are looking really hot!

Abhimanyu- aab meri gf hai hi intni dazzling, uska standard toh match karna padega!
U r looking like a angel...

Mukti smiles and kisses abhimanyu on his cheeks...abhimanyu blushes...


Dhruv- I will stop loving you when an apple grows from a mango tree on the 30th of February

Aliya blushes, and hits dhruv on his arm...

Aliya- dhruv!..not those pick up lines again!


They all come together, this was a eco friendly diwali, so they head to the more empty part of the garden...and make them selves comfortable on the ground...
They bring wines with them...except nandani all get drunk.....

Abhimanyu- so people wanna play truth and dare?

Mukti- ya baby! will be fun!

Nandani- umm...ok..

Aliya- sure!

Manik- but girls mind you! won't be easy!

Mukti- ya ok!..but where is the bottle?

Dhruv- here...lets start!

The bottle spins and stops on aliya...and bottom of the bottle stops abhimanyu..

Manik- so abhimanyu will give a dare or truth to aliya!

Abhimanyu- truth or dare?

Aliya- umm...dare..

Abhimanyu smiles wickedly and winks looking at dhruv..dhruv smiles back!..

Abhimanyu- aliya go and kiss dhruv on his cheeks!

Aliya blushes and heads towards dhruv...she the comes close to him and kisses him on his cheeks..all of them start hooting and whistling...
The bottle spins again and stops at mukti...and the bottom at dhruv...

Dhruv- truth or dare?

Mukti- truth!..

Dhruv- what is your buggest regret?

Mukti stays silent...she then looks at abhimanyu with tearful eyes...abhimanyu sense the pain in her eyes..The alcohol had a strong affect, she told the truth...

Mukti- my biggest regret is.... dating.... harshad...

Abhimanyu comes near mukti and hugs her lovingly.,he then kisses her on her forehead... All of them smile...
The bottle is rotated again..this time it stops at nandani...

Aliya- how come its stoping on a girl each time?

Boys just smile at each other, it was abhimanyu's plan to, get girls drunk so that they won't notice they way boys were stopping the bottle themselves...

Nandani- i choose truth..

Dhruv- ok.. ..Nandani tell me are you a virgin?

Nandani's cheeks turn shade of deep red...she looks at manik who is embarrassed too....nandani hides her face in her palm ...


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