A shocking truth

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Nandani is shocked, at the same time she is determined to know why is nyonika is Delhi...

Luckily Nandani spots a empty table just next to nyonika's...

Nandani POV: I definetly need to know what is nyonika upto...I cant let her do something bad this time. ..

Nandani leans a bit to hear the conversation....

Nyonika- do as I say and don't argue...you don't know what I can do...

Stranger: I could risk my life for him...I had to put him somewhere..

Nyonika- enough of your excuses...I don't want anyone to know about it...and don't you dare bring him to Mumbai...

Stranger- hmmm...OK...but where the money??

Nandani is shocked to see the no. Of bundles (of money) that nyonika gives to the stranger...

Nandani POV - what is soo important..and whom is she hiding that she needed to shell such amount of cash ....

Nyonika- you may leave now...go..!

The stranger gets up from his seat...his hides the cash in a bag the he is carrying...his facial expressions convey his discontent feeling...he looks somewhat disturbed about something...

Not knowing what to do nandani decides to follow the stranger...

The stranger stops at a shop and asks shopkeeper to provide him some cigarettes..

Then stranger then murmur s something under his breathe...just then the stranger says in his audible voice...

"Who does stuffs like kidnapping his/her own Son...."

The line gets repeated in nandani 's head again and again...
Nandani gasps with shock, "own son??....MANIK...???"


Guys sorry for short updates...please do tell my how is my story going.?.I m not getting any response...I would love to hear from you guys...be is appreciation or critism...

Thanks for votes!..

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