At Lake

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Manik- nandani.... Nandani!!

Nandani- ya manik...

Manik- nandani stop talking on phone, everyone is waiting for you....come...

Nandani- ya, ya...comming...

All six of them head to the nearby lake about which dhruv was talking...its takes them less than 15 minutes to reach there...that lake is considered lover point...a perfect setting for the three couples..When they reach, they cannot believe their was a surreal  surrounding... Greenery spread everywhere and at the centre was a huge and very clean lake...they could spot couples at every corner, spending their "WE" time together...

Manik pulls nandani's arm and takes her to a corner...

Nandani- manik, what-

Manik- shhh!...

Manik pulls nandani close to him, nandani is looking directly into his eyes...manik too stares at nandani, they have a intense eye lock....manik brings his lips close to nandani's...nandani breathea heavly...their lips are just few mm apart....when suddenly manik pushes nandani..

Nandani- manik what happened?

Manik- i don't to kiss you here, i don't want to upset abhimanyu again...

Nandani- manik, i feel so lucky to have you in my life!

Manik- haww, you stole my line..!.. I AM VERY LUCKY to have YOU in my life...

With this nandani, hugs manik tightly...manik looks around to make sure no one is watching them...he then gives a small peck on her lips...

Nandani- abhi abhi you said, you don't want to make bhai angry?

Manik- sorry...i couldn't control!..

Nandani smiles and kisses manik on his cheeks....manik blushes...

Nandani- aww... you look sooo cute while blushing!!

Manik- lol...

Nandani- hahaha...

Manik- nandani, i love you..

Nandani- love you too manik...

Manik- i guess, we should go back , everyone must be waiting...

Nandani- hmm...lets go!

Aliya arranges food for everyone, while nandani helps her.....mukti brings  water for everyone...guys on the other hand are waiting to eat ....

Aliya- dhruv please help...

Dhruv-, will i help...i don't know anything about food..

Mukti- guts only know how to eat...

Abhimanyu- hahaha..

Manik- ok...serve fast i am starving!!

Dhruv- jyada bhuk Laye toh nandani ko dekh le...bhuk apne aa bhuk mit jayegi

Manik- abe abhi baata hyun!

Manik runs behind dhruv, while dhruv runs away from manik, nandani blushes and her cheeks turn deep shade of red...mukti and aliya hug  nandani!...


They all spend some peaceful time with each other...nandani asks manik to come to her side...

Manik- what happened nandani, you look tensed...

Nandani- well, manik....i guess something is wrong with navya...

Manik- why what happened?

Nandani- actually, i guess navya is hiding something from us..Today i called navya's mother....and you know she told me she never visited delhi, she never met navya after abeer was born...

Manik- are you sure nandani?

Nandani- yup manik...i guess navya ia hiding something big

Manik- nandani don't be so tensed...i am sure navya is hiding something for some good reason...

Nandani- but manik-

Manik- chill nandani...

Nandani decides to find the truth on her own....a truth that will shock them for will shock fab 5 and gang .....

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