The Prank night

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Manik- abhimanyu pass the can man!

Dhruv- abe kitna piyega...nandani tujhe chod ke nahi bhagi..

Manik- aree...peene de...i m feeling good!..after such a long time ....

Abhimanyu- manik you are still recovering... It not good for you!

Dhruv- ya manik....give the can to me ....

Manik- take this....

Boys are chilling while girls are busy dressing up like ghosts ...

Nandani- guys i downloaded a tune...its a scary tune!

Mukti- good job nandani!

Aliya- mukti am i looking too cute?...i mean i need to look lile ghost rite n ghost r not cute so -

Mukti- shut up aliya!...lets go!!



Manik- guys i think someone is at our door, i heard knocking sound...

Dhruv- ok...let me open the door...

Abhimanyu- ya check...

Dhruv goes towards the door, as soon as he opens the door, a lizard lands on his feet...

Dhruv- ma...manik...manik!!!!!!

Manik runs towards dhruv as soon as manik sees the lizard manik screams and run towards the sofa....

Abhimanyu- saalo chipkali se darr gaye...!

Suddenly abhimanyu spots a cockroach near the door...Abhimanyu runs towards manik and jumps on sofa...

Dhruv- yaar ladkiyon ko bulao...tell them we are in danger...

Manik- ya...let me call..

Abhimanyu- fast!..

Manik- nandani is not picking up the call...

Dhruv- aliya is also not picking up the call...

Abhimanyu- let hide in our room..

Dhruv- ya lets go...if i see anything other insect...i will die..

Boys run toward their room when they see blood spot on rhe floor...looking up they see a doll hanging and blood falling from it....they run towards their bathroom...on the mirror its written with blood ..

"Enjoy your last day on earth.. I m comming to kill all 3 of u"

Dhruv, abhimanyu and manik together- bachao...bachao...bachao....!!!!!


Manik- did...did.. hear... laugh...laughing sound...

Abhimanyu- ya...yaa...

Suddenly three ghost like figures come inside and grab manik , abhimanyu and dhruv...manik , abhimanyu and dhruv scream loudly...the 3 ghosts open their white gown...

Abhimanyu- aliya, nandani, mukti????

Manik- you girls!!!!!!

Dhruv- you stupid girls!!!!

Aliya- was the prank guys???

Nandani- manik, look at you, you are a total fattu!!!

Mukti- guys, we have more things to do more than gossiping..!

Manik- i m so gonna kill you girls!

With this manik, abhimanyu and dhruv grab pillows and begin the pillow fight..

Precap: pillow chapter gonna be fun!
Comment tell me how was today's chapter...don't be a silent reader guys!..


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