The first conversation

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(Above is pic of ahana)

Ahana makes cappuccino for two, for maddy and self but she doesn't find maddy anywhere...

Ahana- maddy..maddy...

Aryamaan- well , he has gone out... Need any help?

Ahana- well, i made coffee for him, wanna drink?

Aryamaan- umm...ok...

Ahana- ok...take...

Ahana hands aryamaan, the coffee and they get seated in the hall...their initial conversations are followed by awkward silence...ahana decides to break the silence...

Ahana- i am sorry for comming without your permission, i should have taken your permission-

Aryamaan- hey, hey girl..calm down...!..maddy is my best don't need to take my permission...ok?

Ahana- ok!

Aryamaan- sound like a kid!

Ahana- i will take it as compliment...!..

At this aryamaan and ahana laugh had been a long time since aryamaan laughed...nandani's memories had made him was as if someone had killed him....he had loved nandani without any hope or expectations...but still letting her go was painful..
.hell lot of pain....after a long time, aryamaan saw happiness in something ....maddy comes home and it surprised him to see aryamaan this way...

Ahana- hey maddy!..where were you?

Maddy- nothing...just some personal stuff....what's up with you guys?..

Aryamaan- nothing...i drank your coffee...!..

Maddy- wow just a moment you changed your friend circle only...!

Ahana- aree! coffee was getting cold so that's why-

Maddy- chill ahana, i was kidding!

Ahana- haha...ok...i need to unpack my luggage...

Aryamaan- ya sure...

Ahana leaves for her room,While maddy has a wicked smile on his face...

Aryamaan- now what happened?

Maddy- you told me that no female renter and all that stuff... And now as soon as i left, you both became friends!

Aryamaan- ya..thanks to your coffee!

Maddy- jyada kush maat ho!..

ahana- ya, what happened maddy?

Maddy- make a coffee for me..


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