Double happiness

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Manik's POV

I was shaking with anger, when navya announced that it was MY MOTHER behind cabir's situation

Why does she have to be behind her always?

Tear starts to roll from my tears, but nandani wipes them before more tears can fall off

Dhruv, come running to me and hugs me tightly
Aliya, and mukti too hug me tightly
Nandani too looks at me with a weak smile

They are my pillars of strength, i don't know what would i do without them

I feel complete with them...i look towards navya, and hold my ears

She moves her head left to right indicating me not to ask for forgiveness

I look towards the ICU room, cabir, my friend...please wake up...or else i would have to bear this burden of guilt that my mother was behind all this

Suddenly, i see the door of ICU opening and doctor comming out of it

We all break the hug, our fingers are crossed as we wait impatiently for the doctor to speak something

"Doctor what happened, how is cabir?", mukti asks

"Congratulations, he is out of coma!", doctor speaks

We all start to literally jump with happiness, mukti runs towards navya and hugs her tightly while aliya and nandani hug each other

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