A promise

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It is a bad luck for manik as nandani hears the conversation... He didnt wanted nandani to get involve or even know about the case and all...

Nandani- manik...case and all...against nyonika...no way!

Abhimanyu- i think i should leave both of you alone...

Manik- nandani...whats wrong with that?.

Nandani- i dont want anything to happen to you manik...i can bear the pain you loose you again...

Manik- nandani believe me no one can separate us again...i have all the evidence against nyonika and she will surely go to jail...nothing will happen to me...and today i promise that we will be together till last breathe and i will make up for these 3 months!...

Nandani hugs manik...manik too hugs her tightly...nandani looks at manik and lets out a small smile..

Nandani- you never told me about your step sister ...

Manik- ya...i just met her twice so even my friend dont know about her ...

Nandani- whats her name?..where does she live?..cant believe that you have a sister!

Manik- relax nandani!!... I will make her meet you soon...but before that you have to pack your bags fast!
We are leaving for mumbai tomorrow..

Nandani- but manik i cant...

Manik- why?

Nandani- i had come here for internship with Guru Chandra prakashji..i have to stay here for about 4 months...

Manik- decline this internship..and come to mumbai...

Nandani- manik, dont behave like a kid..try and understand i can't...

Manik- ok, nandani murthy do as you like...

Nandani- but manik!...

Dhruv- can i come in?

Dhruv comes inside the room and announces that manik has been discharged... But then he senses that something is not right between manik and nandani...he asks the reason, nandani tell dhruv all that has happened...

Dhruv- manik, i guess you also stay in delhi...nyonika got to know that we found you, until she is not in jail, we can't let you go to mumbai...

Manik nods slowly....nandani gets excited that now she does not have to live without manik....

Dhruv- bas ek problem hai...where will you stay...

Manik- with nandani ofcourse!

Dhruv- but manik navya is living with nandani..

Nandani- navya had just come to meet her mother...now she will go back to mumbai...

Dhruv- wah! Tum dono ki toh lottery nikal gayi...!

Nandani starts to blush while dhruv is continuously pulling manan's leg...

Manik- bol toh aise raha jaise tu aliya ke saath kabhi akele raha nahi!

Hearing this all three of them, look at each other for few seconds and them giv out a small laugh.. Mukti, enters the room and asks the reason about the laughter ..dhruv dictates everything...

Mukti- sorry to burst the bubbles of your happiness manik but i know that nandani's internship will start after 5 days and so i have planned a small party and we will all go to Mumbai except you both after 3 days!

Manik- mukti it will be fun!..

In the waiting lounge:

Abhimanyu- hey, aryamaan what are you doing alone here?

Aryamaan- nothing bro!..just like that ...

Abhimanyu- i know its tough for you....as manik is back..

Aryamaan- what do you mean..!

Abhimanyu- dude, i know you love nandani...

Aryamaan- no..but...i...

Abhimanyu- listen aryamaan...i know you are are very good guy, and i know even though you have loved nandani you never let your self get close to nandani...but stay away from nandani a bit...couz manik knows about your feelings and he is very short tempered...

Aryamaan- how does manik know?

Abhimanyu- before the accident also you loved nandani...and manik knew it...

Aryamaan- ok, abhi i will stay away..

Abhimanyu- hmm...

Abhimanyu leaves the place leaving aryamaan all alone...slowly tears forms in the corner of his eyes...aryamaan loved nandani a lot and dis not expected anything in return...it was turning out to be really tough for him after he saw manik and nandani kissing...but he know nandani was manik's and abhimanyu was right he needs to stays away ..he does want to be a reason for manik and nandani's fight ...aryamaan gives out a sigh and wipes his tears...he then picks out his phone and dials a number...

Aryamaan- hello, maddy!..

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