Happy Ending!

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Nandani's POV

I couldnt believe to what my eyes saw and what my ears heard

Manik almost killed aryamaan
While aryamaan loved me?

I try to forget all of it and run towards aryamaan.
He is bleeding very badly.

Ahana is crying while hugging aryamaan while manik runs out of the house in anger.

I quickly call the ambulance, which comes pretty quick.

Both mom and dad are totally dumbstruck because of all that happened in a matter of second

While taking aryamaan to hospital i call manik numerous times but he chooses to ignore them.

As we reach hospital aryamaan is taken inside, and due to Malhotra uncle's influence doctors come to attend aryamaan pretty quick.

Ahana does not stop crying all this while, i could feel real love from her side.
But is aryamaan taking revenge?


Arymaan's nose broke, doctor have told him 2 weeks bed rest.

I go towards arayamaan, when he shouts.

"Stop nandani", i stop while looking at aryamaan surprised

"Aryamaan....i--", i try to speak but he speaks

"Please nandani, stop acting nicely! I loved you but that was long ago. I love ahana, i beg of you stop making my life hell!
I was always by your side as a fateful friend but each time you doubted me. Now that i left you guys alone, you still have problems!
Manik also dated alia before you, he was first your enemy but still everyone never point fingers at him. But i am always doubted...why?" Aryamaan asks while i stay quiet

I leave the room and head towards manik who is still mad.
I try to talk him but he ignores me.
Angrily i pull knife kept in the fruit basket in manik's kitchen.
Manik gets stunned by my act and pays attention to me finally.

"Manik, when you left me the only person who helped me, was by my side was aryamaan.
He helped me find you, when i got to know about nyonika kidnapping you. Aryamaan truely loves ahana, i can see it in his eyes. Manik how will you feel if we get separated?", i ask

"Nandani! Dont say like that!", manik replies

"So why are you separating two lovers.... That also your sister?...manik even though aryamaan loved me, he never expressed it...and he never tried to separate us....he always tried to bring us together..
He helped you to find me when panditji had kidnapped me.
Manik dont do such a big injustice to aryamaan and your sister....please...", i beg

"Ok nandani...i will not separate them....but at one condition , arymaan wont marry ahana until she completes her studies.", manik replies

"Bhaiya i wont....", ahana was listening to our conversation

Manik holds his ears while ahana hugs him tightly.
I finally smile because finally aryamaan got true love.

Next day

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