Manik's Parents

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Nandani's POV

Today is probably the most important day of my life...
I dress beautifully in a peech salwar kameez
I wear silver earrings and silver bangles with a black heeled sandal

Pune it is...where i am going for my concert but before that manik is going to introduce me to his parents

A mild shiver ran across my spine
I dont know if they will like me or not
What if they didnt like me?
What if they reject me?
What if they ask manik not to marry me?

Another shiver ran across my spine
Manik is my life, he is someone without whom death seems peacer

"Nandani ready?", manik asks

"Yeah", i answer

"Come fast or else we will miss the flight", manik speaks.

"Yeah comming", i reply quickly

I take my bag and go downstairs only to meet manik's intense glare on me
He winks at me while i bluah turning into a human tomato

"You are looking gorgeous", manik replies pulling me close to him

"Accha!..i thought i am always gorgeous", i reply winking at him

" are the most beautiful girl i have ever seen", manik replies smiling

"Stop buttering we are getting late", i reply pushing him

Manik frowns a bit but then a sly smile covers his face, it seems his mind has plans

Suddenly manik starts tickling me...i start to run away from him but he seems to be faster....way faster and he caughts me quite easily

"Aah...nandani caught you!", he starts to laugh

"Not so easily", i smirk and push him apart but then my leg strikes the corner of sofa anf i fell down...manik was holding my hand so he too falls

I fall on the ground with manik falling on top of me...his smile changes into a intense glare and it burns me up with shyness

Manik brings his lips closer to mine just then i push him away

"Manik remember what you promised abhimanyu bhai?", i remind him of the promise

"Yeah.....i am sorry", manik speaks rubbing his hair

"Lets go", i reply holding his hand firmly as we head towards the main gate

We sit in the car and start to the airport
All this while manik starts to tell me about his parents and his family buisness
He also starts to tell me what his parents like and dislike
The more he tells me, the more anxious i get

Manik's father remarried to women named Madhu
Madhu aunty was a widow with a daughter named Ahana
Uncle has a huge buisness of textile and it is spread to several states of india and abroad
Madhu aunty is herself a buisness women who has a fashion label named Anzora
Manik's step sister ahana is a year smaller than him
Ahana also lives in mumbai and is studying
Madhu aunty loves manik and she treats him as her own son
She is very soft spoken and very friendly

"nandani so what are you thinking", manik asks

"I am nervous....", i reply

"Oh dont worry everything going to be okay!", manik replies side hugging me


We reach the pune
It felt different altogether
Actually it felt strange because today i was going to meet people who would decide the course of our relationship
I cringe as i realised what i am heading towards
Manik sensed my fear and holded my hand tightly
I look at him and smile.....


Aryamaan's POV

We, i.e., i and ahana finally reach pune
She is hell bent on making me meet her parents
I been to pune a lot of time for different meeting purposes but this time it feels different
A sense of happieness fills as i reach that that this is going to be the happiest day of my life

Ahana...the girl who filled my dull, boring and tragic life with happiness is finally going to be mine forever
Or maybe
Nah!...this time god wont separate me from the person i love......
At least i hope so!

"Aryamaan, i lovee you", ahana speaks hugging me tightly

"Me too", i reply peeking her cheeks with kiss

"Even bhai will be there!", ahana replies

"What....but--", i try to speak but ahana cuts me in between

"Bhai does not about me comming!", ahana speaks excitedly

"But you never reveal his name",i speak angrily

"Well today i gonna tell", she speaks still not revealing the name

"Ahana...we have been in relationship for 6 months now but you are still hiding your brother's  name", i reply

"Aree...sorry!!...his name is....Manik malhotra!...he is that Manik who is that famous singer nandani murthy's boyfriend!!!", she replues excitedly while my face turns pale

It just does not feel right....


Hey guys!!


Now i will update regularly!!



Lovvvv u guys!!!!!!!



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