miracle i survived

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I normally go to my tution by cycling, today also i went to tution by cycling...while returning home, a car in high speed hit me from behind...just like some filmy scene, i flew forward, some 1 metre away from my cycle and flew to side of road...
The ppl in car didn't even hav courtesy to stop and see if i m dead or alive, they just drove away...
I was not able to get up, so some kind ppl came a lifted me up...i was so shaken for a moment that i couldn't think of anything...aftr few mins, i analysed myself...luckily i survived with few minor injuries, pain in my legs, shoulder, and lower back...
I didn't tell my parents abt it...

But i shared with you guys couz i felt so horrible, guys plz never jst walk away when u see a accident victim....
Be those ppl who run to help...

And i dedicated all types of curse, and foul languages to that car driver....

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