First unheard feeling

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Its late at night, about 11 pm...ahana and aryamaan are siting on terrace staring star...they had been doing this since that day when aryamaan cried...

Ahana- can you believe, today i completed one week with you guys!..

Aryamaan- ofcourse, this one week felt like one irritating you are!

Ahana looks angrily at aryamaan...and hit him continuosly on his arms...

Aryamaan- ok...ok...sorry ...sorry ...!

Ahana- you are soo soo mean..

Aryamaan- lol!!!

Ahana- okay fine you stay here!..i am going!!

Ahana gets up, aryamaan to gets up..ahana wears her chappal hurriedly and starts to go when her legs slip, she starts to fall when aryamaan runs to save her...she falls in his arms..

Ahana looks ar aryamaan, aryamaan too looks at ahana...
They have a intense eye lock...

Strangely this was their first eye but it seemed they had some unsaid, unheard connection that the eye lock seemed so intense...

Ahana realises that she is still in his arms...she pushes aryamaan slightly and runs downstairs..

Aryamaan is a bit disturbed by the incident that just happened he decided to stay on terrace to avoid akwardness..


Ahana's POV:-

I run downstairs, into my room and close my breathe is still uneven, heartbeat still fast...

Whats happening?...i have been lifted by few guys before but did this felt so strange...?

Why his touch had such a drastic effect on me?



Aryamaan's POV:-

I don't know what ahana is thinking...
But i was transported back to those beautiful moment...

When nandani fell this way and i helped her get up...we did not had any eyelock but her touch sent me to another world..


Author's POV

Remembering nandani aryamaan's eyes were filled with tears yet again...this time he smashed his mirror angrily and threw everything...

He runs at ahana's room..where ahana is busy thinking about aryamaan..

aryamaan- Ahana i need your help!

Ahana at once knew why was aryamaan calling saddened her a bit that still that girl could effect aryamaan and she could not...


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I wanna ask you guys...both aryamaan and ahana have one sided love story..

Ahana starts to love aryamaan but he loves nandani..h
What are your thoughts abt one sided love?
Have you faced it?

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See ya!

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