Vishnupuri (part a)

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Nandani- but bhai, even though u r in couldn't have found me so fast ..were you....following me?

Abhimanyu just smiles at her...

Abhimanyu- is that man still inside the guest room?

Nandani- ya bhai...he is...

Abhimanyu- OK nandu, you go inside the guest house and find the man...make sure he doesn't suspect anything ..I will just come in a while...

Nandani- okay...

Nandani goes inside the guest house....its a small place with dimly lit lights..the main hall has a counter where there are few people standing..the lady in the counter is poorly dressed and it seems it is a very cheap hotel...
Nandani tries to find the man but she is not able to find him...suddenly she sees the man coming out of a room with his luggages...
Nandani panics...

Nandani POV: abhi bhai where are you...this man is our only hope to reach manik...!..

Abhimanyu enters the hall with a checkbook in his hand...he smiles at nandani and waves her to come near her...

Abhimanyu- nandu, you go and hide near that vase while I deal with this man...

Nandani- but bhai...

Abhimanyu- I don't want you to get into any trouble... Do as I say.

Nandani goes and hides behind the vase...

Abhimanyu come near the stranger and hands him a cheque worth 25,000

The man gets confused, and glares at the cheque...

Abhimanyu- where is manik..

Stranger- what...what nonsense?..

Abhimanyu puts another check worth 50,000..the man takes abhimanyu to a corner where no one is present ( expect nandani who was hiding behind a vase) then slowly speaks..."well, he..he is in vishnupuri...12 km away from Delhi.."

Abhimanyu- take me there?.

Stranger- no...I can't...

Abhimanyu- whatever you had said till now I have recorded all in my phone...take me there or I will take you to police station!!.

The stranger pulls out his gun and points it at abhimanyu... Nandani gets scared and panics...she takes the vase out of vase stand and throws it at stranger's head....the stranger faints...

( see next chapter)

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