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Manik's POV

I and nandani finally reach dad's house
I could clearly see sweat beads formed on nandani's forhead
I try to calm her down but in vain

She seems to be nervous, as well as anxious every second

As i entered the house i am greeted by my over enthusiastic dad and mom

Ya i consider her my mother because she is very different from nyonika and she loves me more than her real daughter
And so she deserves to be called mom

"Manik neta ee eete waiying for you eagerly!", mom speaks

"Haha....mee and dad meet nandani", i speak poinying at nandani

"Nandani....the famous singer nandani murthy....right?", dad asks happily

"Yeah", i nod slightly while nandani bents and touches mom and dad's feet

" khush raho ( be happy)", mom replies touching nandani's head and blessing her

"Always shine like star", dad blesses her

"Manik, learn something from never touch our feets", dad speaks while nandani smirks

I bent down and touch mom and dad's feet making them jump with astonishment

"Manik are you well?", dad taunts me

"Yeah dad!...i am well", i reply

"Malhotra ji don't tease my son!", mom replies hugging me.

I feel so blessed to have her in my life, nyonika os the worst mother ever and i dont feel even a bit sad when i realise dad has re married.
He deserved better.
Even though she is my step mother she has loved me more than ahana, her real daughter

Mom then tells me to show our house to nandani while i happily agree for.

I led her to my room present on the first floor.
It is a well furnished room, having a wall attached cupboard, a small book rack, study table and a dressing table.
My room has a round shaped huge bed in the middle of the room.
A tv is placed on the wall infront of the bed while the cupboard is present on right side of bed anf dressing table, book rack and study table on left side.

Nandani looks astonished while glancing my room.
She like a kid goes to every nook and corner of the room making smile.
She is very innocent for age.

I led take her to our dinning room and kitchen, we have a huge kitchen and a lavish dinnning table.

"It seems like king's house"; nandani speaks astonished while i just smile in response

I then take her to other rooms and finally to our garage room
Even though its a garage, it has a huge home theatre.
A gym section and a small bar counter.

Nandani gulps down her saliva amazed by our house.

I pull her close to me and kiss her cheeks to which she pushes me.

"Manik koi dekh lega (manik someone will see)",she replies

"Toh dekhne do (so let them see)", i reply playfully

I bring my lips close to her while nandani shuts her eyes in response. Just then...

"Manik nandani look whos here", mom calls us
Perfect timing!

Nandani's POV

We reach down stairs to find a girl almost my age.
She had huge black hair and beautiful eyes.
She had a dimpled smile and a figure to die for.

"Mom, dad, bhai!!!", she screams happily while manik, his mom amd dad hug her.

"Nandani, she is ahana, my sister!", manik speaks

"Hi ahana!", i speaks to while she sweetly replies, "hii nandani bhabhi!!"

I get embarrased and my face turns red as tomato.

"Aapko kya laga bhai, aap bataoge nahi toh pata nahi chalega? (What you thought brother, that you won't tell and we wont know about it?)", ahana questions manik to which i smile

"I want you guys to meet someone", ahana speaks and blushes a bit

A guy enters, he looks quite familiar suddenly i realise he is none other than Aryamaan to which my jaw falls in shock

"Mom, dad and bhai, nandani he is aryaamaan....the guy i want to marry", ahana speaks slowly

Mom and dad smile at aryamaan while manik rolls his palm into fist making me bit scared.

Ahana's mom and dad are very liberal parents and for them love marriage is no big deal.
They have no problem if their kids choose their own partners

"Go out aryamaan!", manik orders

"Bhai!", ahana gets surprised

"Wht do you think aryamaan?...i dont know your plan? could not get nandani so you are using my sister to get revenge?", manik questions while mom dad and ahana get shocked

"Manik...i really love ahana...i did not even know that ahana was your sister", aryamaan replies

Not able to handle his anger manik punches aryamaan on his face, breaking his nose and causing it to bleed.

I jump with shock while ahana runs near aryamaan

"Bhai what did you do?",ahana cries

"Is it true aryamaan?", dad asks aryamaan

"Yeah...i loved nandani but that is past", aryamaan manages to reply

I get shocked!
Aryamaan loved me?

"Ahana looks at me and then looks at aryamaan.
Her tears start to flow more freely.


Hey guys!

How was the chp?

Are you supporting manik or aryamaan?

Do you think manik will forgive aryamaan ever?

Stay tuned!

Lots of lov!

See ya!

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