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*Two Weeks later*

I'm completely over Sawyer Hartman, well I'm over him physically, but not mentally.

I sat across this guy I met in a bar a few days ago, we were currently at a restaurant across town. I barely paid attention to the conversation about baseball, he had with me.

I continued to nod my head, thinking about other things

"Hey, are you listening" the guy asked

I snapped out of my trance and nod my head, I took a sip of my Sprite as he continued to talk

"So what are you interested in," he asked

"I like writing, reading, and I'm sort of a demonic person" I smiled

The guy looked at me with fear in his eyes "Yea, I don't think this will work out." The guy quickly stood up and ran out of the restaurant

"I love my life," I said, taking a sip of my drink. I stood up, pulling out my wallet and paying for our drink.


I opened the door and flopped on the couch,

"Alianna, can you come here" Jamilyn said. I groaned and got, I walked towards the kitchen. I peeked in, Jamilyn was frying egg rolls


*Later on*

I grabbed my plate and sat down on the couch. Jamilyn, Hannah, and Leianna ate in the kitchen.

There was a rapid pounding on the door, I stood up and answered it. Two police officers stood there

"Are you Alianna Path" the tall one asked

"Yeah, that's me," I said

They moved aside showing Carly, she still had that smirk on her face and that black eye was purplish now

"Anyway, you are under arrest for vandalism and assault. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used in a court of law" the short one said

Leianna came out, her mouth hung open as I put my hands behind my back.

The tall officer puts the handcuffs on my wrist, and dragged me to their car.

"YOU CAN'T TAKE HER" Leianna screamed

I rolled my eyes, ducking my head as I enter the back seat. Carly waved goodbye as they slammed the door.

The two cops got in the front seats and drove off

*Police Station*

After taking my mug shots and my thumb prints, the short officer put me in a cell with four guys and a girl


"Sweetie, these cops don't give a fuck, just as long as they get paid," the girl said standing up

I sat down on the bench away from everyone. A guy wearing a trench coat and a Fedora slid next to me

"Hey pretty lady, have a rose" the man handed me a black rose. I took the rose and twirled it in my fingers

"What's a beautiful girl like you doing in a place like this,"

"Vandalism and assault" I said

The man put this hand on my thigh, I grabbed his arm and twisted it.

"Hey, hey girl keep your cool" he persuaded clearly in pain


A lady cop opened the cell and dragged me out, placing me in my own cell by myself.

"DO I AT LEAST GET A FUCKING PHONE CALL" I asked as she locked the cell door. The lady pointed to the pay phone on the wall, I took out a couple of coins and put them in

I dialed Jamilyn's number, it ranged a couple times, then someone picked up

P: Hey Jamie, I need to do me a favor

J: What the hell happened, why the hell were you arrested

P: JUST LISTEN, I need you to go in my drawer and take out $300, that's how much my bail is

J: Okay, before you have to go someone wants to talk to you

I could hear arguing from the other line, then breathing

P: Hello

S: Alianna are you alright, I got a call from Jamilyn and came straight down

P: Sawyer

I hung up the phone before he could respond, I sat back on the bench and put my face in my hands

A Youtuber Wedding (Slowly remaking)Where stories live. Discover now