I opened my eyes, my hand was opening turning a door knob.

"Where the hell am I," I asked myself

I stepped into the house, moaning filled what looks like an empty living room


I quickly headed upstairs. The moaning was louder, a door was cracked. I slowly went towards it.


I quickly opened the door, Sawyer was on top of a blonde woman biting her

"S-S-Sawyer," I said, opening the door wider

Sawyer turned his head towards me and hopped off the blonde. He put his shirt and boxers on and motioned me to step out

"I'm not going fucking anywhere until you explain why are you cheating on me," I growled

"I really didn't want you to find out this way," Sawyer said

I balled my fist, "Whatever you have to say, say it," I snapped

Sawyer sighed "I don't love you anymore," My heart shattered

A few tears pricked from my eyes "Come on Alianna, you actually thought I loved you," Sawyer scoffed

Sawyer looked at me and chuckled "You actually did, didn't you, that's cute," The blonde stood up and walked behind Sawyer and wrapped her arms around his waist

She had his sheets wrapped around her body "Why don't you just leave," she said

I growled a little "Stay out of this bitch,"

Sawyer turned towards her and whispered something in her ear. Then dragged me out the room

"Why didn't you just dump me when you had the chance instead of asking me to marry you," I asked

"I felt sorry for you, I mean, look at you... Who wouldn't feel sorry for you," He said

I felt myself breaking down from the inside, the person that I was going to marry...

"You felt sorry for me," I repeated

"Sucks to tell you that," Sawyer shrugged

Sawyer grabbed my chin and made me look at him "I'm only telling you this because I care, no one will love you, you're just a freak... you're nothing," Sawyer released my face

A few tears slipped down my cheeks, I quickly left the house with tears blinding my eyes.

*He's right, he's right* I kept thinking

I jumped up to my phone ringing, I rubbed my eyes and answered it

P: Hello

??: Why the hell didn't you call me when you landed I was this close to going to Italy

P: I'm sorry

K: Are you ok

P: Yea, I fell asleep, I'm fine... I have to go

I hung up and placed my phone on the night stand beside me. I covered my face with my hands.

I sat up, yawned, and went downstairs. I entered the kitchen and checked the time on the stove

'2:17 am'

I grabbed a bottle of red wine and a tall glass cup "It's noon somewhere," I mumbled to myself as I poured the wine into the glass.

I brought it the cup to my lips and took a sip and by sip I mean a gulp.

A Youtuber Wedding (Slowly remaking)Where stories live. Discover now