It's Over Isn't It

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*New Orleans, Louisiana*

"Sawyer, let's go we need to go to the French Quarter," I said as soon as we stepped foot in our new hotel room

"I have something to do, we can go later," He put down the suitcases

"I say we go now," I growled

"And I say we go later," Sawyer said coldly

I light bulb popped on top of my head "Alright, we can go later," I said

"Good, I'll see you in a few hours," he leaned in and gave me a kiss then went out the door

"Thinks he's the boss of me, bitch please," I grabbed my bag and ran out the door.

"I knew you would try to sneak out," I jumped when I heard Sawyer's voice

*Damn it*

"I was just going to get some food," I lied

"Sure," Sawyer pinned me against the wall

"I don't want you getting hurt here," he said

I scoffed "I think I can take care of myself perfectly fine Mr. Hartman,"

Sawyer blocked my only exit from his body "Seriously Alianna, I heard things about the French Quarter, don't go," I looked down

"I'll be fine," Sawyer put his finger on my chin, forcing me to look at him

His warm lips collided with mine, Sawyer's hands wrapped around my waist, pulling my body closer to his chest.

Sawyer pulled away "Are you going to go now," he asked

I shook my head, Sawyer released me and walked away "I'll see you in a bit,"

I snapped out of my trance "What the fuck just happened," I hissed 

I picked up my things and continued down the hall towards the elevator

*French Quarter*

I looked around, it was amazing. I've seen five parades float past by. "They really go all out," I ran over to someone who was throwing beads

I grabbed a green pair and put it around my neck. I was like a little kid in a candy store.

*I don't know why Sawyer was so paranoid about this*

"Hey," I turned around

"You're a tourist huh," the guy asked

I nodded "We have a rule here, you gotta flash for beads," I cocked my head towards the side

"Well, I guess, I'm not going to have any beads," I took the bead I had around my neck and put them in his hands 

I turned around, the guy grabbed my arm "Come on," I smashed my foot on his toes

"FUCK," I chuckled and ran

"Jackass," I laughed  

I bumped into a man with a camera "So sorry man," I looked up and frowned

"Sawyer fucking Hartman, I have a bone to pick with you," I hissed

"I told you not to come here," I rolled my eyes

"Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, so you could come here by yourself,"

"It's not li-," I laughed

"No worries, I'll just go to the guy that wanted me to flash him," I turned around

Sawyer spun me around and growled "The hell you are," I laughed

"I'm joking" I stepped on my toes and gave him a kiss on the nose

"By the way, if you ever make me stay somewhere while you're out having fun... I'll cut you up and cook you with a nice bed of rice with your eyeballs on the side," I whispered


"Say cheese," I pointed my digital camera at Sawyer while he was eating a plate full of shrimp

Sawyer smiled with shrimp in his mouth. I took the picture "I wonder how your subscribers will think of this," I laughed

"We should really go, we'll miss the rest of the parade," Sawyer said, taking a sip of his drink

I nodded

*Even Later*

Sawyer and I were standing on a balcony in our hotel room, watching the parade floats go by and catching hats and beads.

"You know I love you right," Sawyer said

I nodded "I love you too," I said

I pinned Sawyer against the railing and gave him a kiss. I felt my leg wrap around his waist.

"I love you," I whispered

Two down, one to go. Man its going so fast eh, really fast. 

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