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Four days before the wedding

(P= Alianna
S= Sawyer)

P: So, I heard you're having a bachelor party

S: Yeah, is that a problem

P: No

S: What about you

P: Kaylee planning one for me after I told her not to

S: Are there going to be male strippers

P: is someone jealous

S: Maybe, but anyway. I got to go get ready

P: I love you bye

Sawyer hung up before I could finish my sentence. I set my phone on my stomach and looked at my ceiling.


I jumped out my bed and ran downstairs, not wanting to face Kaylee's Rath

"Good, we can begin" she said

All our friends were in our living room, some from high school and others from middle school.

I gave all of them a hug, especially my friends Moneek and Carolina. I looked at all the purple decorations, boxes of wine, and bottles of vodka on the coffee table

"Geez, you guys didn't have to get me presents," I said

They looked at me, then laughed

I sat on the couch, grabbed a cup, a bottle of vodka, and began drinking

*Later that night*

"Ok, I know you will never use this, but here" my friend Maya handed me a box wrapped in green poka dotted wrapping paper.

I unwrapped the present and held it in my hands

"What's this" I asked

"Edible underwear, I found it in some sex shop" Maya said

"Um, thanks, " I said, placing it with all the other unwrapped presents

Kaylee came in with a chair, blindfold, and handcuffs. I chuckled, then had my serious face on when she pulled me away from my couch

"Since this is your last week as a free woman, we wanted you to go out with a bang" Kaylee put the blindfold for a while Leianna put the handcuffs on

"Guys, I swear-" Kaylee cut me off

I heard gasps and some whistles, I couldn't see anything.

"You ready sweet cheeks" a husky male voice said

I laughed a little as the strange man failed to give me a lap dance
"I guess stripping isn't your day job now is it" I smirked

The man stopped, I felt a strange thing that he was watching me. I felt a pair a soft lips on mine, then pulled away


"Good, least you know you're mine" a familiar voice said

"Sawyer?" I asked

Someone pulled the blindfold away, revealing my shirtless fiancee

"Hi, Psycho" he greeted

I was dumbfounded,

"By the way, I saw the underwear and I think we should use it later" he whispered in my ear

"Ok, everyone out. This includes the YouTuber" they uncuffed me from the chair.

"Aw Alianna, don't ruin the party" a couple of my friends shouted

I said my goodbyes as I ushered them out the front door. Sawyer begged to stay, but I gave him his shirt, a kiss on the cheek, and pushed him out the door

A Youtuber Wedding (Slowly remaking)Where stories live. Discover now