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*few days later (Monday)*

This was our last week in L.A before we go to Sydney, Australia. Alexey refuses to leave my side and if I do, calls every five to ten minutes to see where I am.

"Alianna, sit down," Kaylee said as I entered her living room.

Teressa, Hannah, Jamilyn, and Maya were sitting on the couch in a circle.

"What's this all about," I asked

They gave me a sad smile "You know that we love you right," Maya asked. I nodded

"We want you to be happy and when you are with Alexey, you don't look happy," Hannah said

I scowled at them "No, just no. Are you guys giving me an intervention," they gave me a nervous look

"Yes. Alianna you're in a controlling relationship, we don't want anything bad to happen to you," Teressa said

"I'm fine, my relationship is fine. Don't worry about me, I can handle myself," I said

"Ali-," I cut Kaylee off

"Thank you very much, I have to go now," I stood up and walked out the front door.

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