February 3

14 0 1

*Los Angeles, California*

I took a deep breath, my hands were shaking, and my heart was beating rapidly.

"Today is the day," I said to myself

I looked at myself in the mirror, "You're lucky we pulled this off at the last second," I turned around, Kaylee was standing in the doorway wearing her dress

"I know, I really appreciate," Kaylee walked over to me

I had to do a lot of convincing in order for this to happen.

"Your dress looks great," I told her

"Yours too,"

Kaylee sighed "Are you ready," She asked

I nodded, I fixed my hair a bit and straighten out my dress.

"The music is starting soon, I'll be in position," Kaylee said

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"The music is starting soon, I'll be in position," Kaylee said

I gave her a hug, then she left. I quickly put on my black heel boots. I went over to the door and took a peek

Everyone was talking, my family and friends on one side and Sawyer's on the other.

I quickly closed the door "Alright, it's now or never," I put my black veil over my face

I could hear the faint sound of the Theme from Canon in D playing.

I grabbed the black and white bouquet, the doors slowly began to everything. People began to stand once they saw me step through the doorway

I looked down at my feet as I took my first steps. My grip tightened around the bouquet, I looked at and stared at Sawyer.

His smile was ear to ear, it felt like all my worries and nervousness disappeared.

I felt a hand touch mine, I didn't realize the I already made my way. Sawyer had my hand intertwined with his

"You may be seated," everyone sat down

The priest cleared his throat "Who gives this woman to this man,"

No on stood up, no one said a word. I walked down the aisle alone. "Does anyone object to this marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace,"

Still, everyone was silent. The priest began to speak about how marriage was a bond.

"You look great," I whispered, complimenting his black tuxedo

"So do you,"

I tuned out everything he said, only paying attention to Sawyer's smile.

"Sawyer Hartman, do you take this woman to be your wife, to have and to hold, to love and to cherish, in sickness and in health. As long as you both shall live," Sawyer held my hand tightly

"I do," he said

The priest turned towards me "Do you Alianna Path take this man to be your husband. To have and to hold, to love and to cherish. In sickness and in health as long as you both shall live," I nodded

"I do,"

"May I see the rings," my little cousin stepped up holding a pillow with one ring on it

Sawyer picked the black ring with a black gem and slipped in on my finger

Sawyer picked the black ring with a black gem and slipped in on my finger

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"And your ring ma'am," the priest said

I gave a nervous look "Alianna you have the ring right," Sawyer whispered

I nodded "Of course," I lifted my little hat and removed the ring from the top of my head

I slipped the ring on to Sawyer's finger "By the power vested to me by the state of California, I pronounce you man and wife

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I slipped the ring on to Sawyer's finger "By the power vested to me by the state of California, I pronounce you man and wife... You may kiss the bride,"

Sawyer lifted the black veil from over my head, he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me towards his chest, pressing his soft lips against mine.

The kiss was slow, passionate, and filled with lust. I pulled away, each beat from my heart was going faster by the second.

"I now present Mr. and Mrs. Sawyer Hartman,"

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