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"Why the fuck were you with him," Alexey asked as he opened the doors to our hotel suite

"I wasn't with him, I was walking from a friend's house and he popped up," I protested


"I'm not lying, I haven't seen him since I left," I said, entering the bedroom

"Yeah, sure," he said sarcastically

I was this close to slapping that pretty face of his "So you're calling me a whore," I crossed my arms acrossed my chest

"Если обувь подходит," (If the shoe fits)


I grabbed the room key from his jacket pocket, I opened the door. Alexey pushed me on the floor and locked it

"You're not going fucking anywhere whore," he yelled

I stood up and slapped him in the face, "DON'T YOU EVER PUT YOUR HANDS ON ME," I yelled at him

Alexey growled, grabbed me by my hair and pinned me to the wall

"Держите себя, как человека, я собираюсь относиться к вам, как один," Alexey hissed (Keep acting like a man, I'll treat you like one)

I didn't say anything, he yanked my hair back. I yelped in pain "I-I u-unders-s-stand," I said

Alexey smirked and shook his head, "No, you don't. You're mine, I own you. You're my whore," He said in a raspy voice

Alexey pressed his body against mine, he forced his tongue down my throat.

I tried to push him away, he held my wrist over my head. I pulled away "Alexey stopped," I begged him

"You need to learn that I'm the man in this relationship," Alexey whispered in my ear

He threw me on the bed, took off my shirt, and spread my legs

"GET OFF OF ME," I kicked and screamed as he pulled down my pants and underwear

"YOU'RE GONNA FUCKING TAKE IT," Alexey shouted, unzipping his pants

Alexey pinned my arms to my side as he forced his lips upon mine. He roughly entered himself inside me

I pulled away from the forced kiss "Please Alexey," I took a breath

Alexey treated roughly, his hard cock gave the lower half of my body no mercy. He finally pulled out

His lips made its way to my neck, his teeth sinking into my skin.

I moved my head, trying to make him stop, which made him angrier and thrust harder

I continued to struggle "STOP STRUGGLING ALIANNA, I KNOW YOU LIKE IT," Alexey whispered/ yelled

I kneed him in the balls, he did a double take, and fell on his side holding his sack

I got up, grabbed my shirt, quickly put in on, and grabbed the key card

"Man of the relationship my ass," I mumbled as I slammed the door behind me

A Youtuber Wedding (Slowly remaking)Where stories live. Discover now