The Right Decision

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*Later that day*

"Where were you Alianna," Alexey asked as I stepped through the room door

"Out," I said

I sighed "I called and texted you a hundred times and you didn't answer," he said

"I was busy," I stated

"With who," he asked

"With friends, get off my damn back you aren't my mother," Alexey pinned me to the wall

"Listen, I'm so done with you trying to control me," I scoffed

I pushed him off of me, Alexey looked so shocked "What are you trying to say,"

I grabbed my bags and placed it on the bed "I think that we should take a break," I said

Alexey face sadden as he ran towards me and grabbed my waist "You can't dump me, I'm sorry, I'll change." He said

Alexey pressed his lips against mine, my mind wanted me to stay and see how this turns out, but something else told me to push him away

I felt my right leg wrap around his waist. I felt our bodies tipping over, I landed on his chest as he landed on the chair.

I felt his hands travel my torso, my lips went towards his neck. I bit down and sucked

~ Блядь~ (Fuck) Alexey said in his thick Russian accent.

"скажи мне, что ты останешься," Alexey whispered against my skin (Tell me you'll stay)

I kissed his chin "I'll-," I stopped myself

I quickly moved my hands away and sat up when I realized what I was doing

Alexey grabbed my waist and pulled me towards his chest. His sweet breath intoxicated me

"Stop toying with my head," I said, I pushed him away

"Alianna, you really can't be serious about dumping me," Alexey sighed

"I'm sorry, but our relationship is not healthy and I have been just too stupid to realize that," I grabbed my bag

Alexey growled and grabbed my arm tightly "You just can't live like that," he warned

I snatched my hand back, "I'm sorry Alexey," I said

I took my bags and walked out the door.

A Youtuber Wedding (Slowly remaking)Where stories live. Discover now