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*Stairs Coffee Shop/ Few days later*

Before I left for L.A with Alexey, I got a job at a coffee shop.

"Signorina, posso avere un'altra tazza di caffè," A dark haired man with a red head guy (Miss, can I have another cup of coffee)

"Certo, ecco a te," I poured more coffee into their cups (Sure, here you go)

I watched a couple stand up and leave the building. I quickly went over to the table and cleaned it

*This job is so easy, even my brother could do this* I thought

I finished clearing the table and took the cups in the kitchen. My boss Gina was washing someone of the cups.

"Alianna, me ne vado presto in modo dovrete lavorare con Cameron stasera," She said, as she put the cups away (Alianna, I'm leaving early so you'll have to work with Cameron tonight)

I sighed, Cameron is a douchebag that has been hassling me since my second day.

I agreed, since I didn't want to have an argument about this.

*Later 9pm*

It was dark outside, we had five minutes until closing time. No one was inside and it was silence.

"Alianna pulire I tavoli," Cameron shouted (Alianna clean the dishes)

"Fuck you, you're just sitting down doing nothing," I hissed, luckily he didn't speak English

"Certo Cameron," I said with a fake smile on my face. (Sure, Cameron)

I quickly grabbed a towel from the kitchen, and brought it back. I cleaned all the tables.

Cameron held out a broom in front of me, I snatched it from his hands and began sweeping.

I stopped as soon as I heard a knock on the glass doors. Cameron shot up from his seat and quickly went to the door

"Siamo spiacenti, stiamo ufficialmente chiuso" I heard him say to the customer (Sorry, we're officially closed)

Cameron turned his head towards me "Alianna, il ragazzo parla inglese, gestirlo," he ordered. (Alianna, the guy speaks English, handle it)

I dropped the broom on the floor and went towards the door. I wasn't too mad about this, I get tired of speaking Italian sometimes.

"I'm so sorry, sir, but we are closed right now, come back tomorrow," I said

I looked up at the man, my heart nearly dropped "How do you know where I was," I asked him

"Maya told me, I had to beg on my knees," He said

I shook my head "Sawyer, this is not a movie... Coming here was pointless, you think I would just take you back because you came here and figured out where I worked. Stay out my life ok," I hissed

Sawyer gave me a sad look, "Can we just talk about this," Sawyer suggested

"No, go back to your whore, I know you brought her here," I said.

"Just please, let's talk," he begged

I sighed in frustration, Sawyer finally gave up and walked away.

"Vado a casa, si può bloccare," I said to Cameron and tossed him the keys (I'm going home, you could lock up)

I stormed out of the coffee shop not wanting for his response.

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