"Get on your knees," I raised my eyebrow at his request

He let go of my waist and moved his hands towards his pants. "Y-y-you want me to-," I couldn't finish my sentence

*From dictator to horn dog just like that* I thought

"You look so fucking sexy in that outfit, only I should be allowed to see you in and out of it," I hesitated

I slowly got on my hands and knees, my face was inches from his crotch. I unbuttoned his pants and pulled out his hard member.

I kissed the tip, then licked it. Sawyer's body shivered, I engulf the shaft in my mouth, twirling it around with my tongue

"Right there," Sawyer groaned in a raspy voice

I felt a warm liquid run down my throat. I pulled away, Sawyer grabbed me by the shoulders and pulled me up. I stared into his eyes

They were dark, but at the same time full of love and lust. "Take off the crop top," Sawyer ordered
I grabbed the back of the shirt  and quickly unzipped half of it

"Do you want to unzip the rest," I asked

Sawyer twirled his finger, I spun around, my back facing him. I felt his hands on my back, his body pressed against mine.

The tight crop top was removed from my body and gently fell on the floor

His lips were on my neck, sucking and biting down on my sweet spot. I moan as he bit down harder

"Sawyer," I said

I turned around, ready to take off his shirt, but he stopped me "Nope," he said

I groaned, Sawyer pointed towards the bed, motioning me to lay on the bed. I jumped on the bed and got under the covers

Sawyer followed behind me,  I took off my pants and threw them on the floor. Sawyer got on top of me.

My leg wrapped around his and my hands went into his back pocket pulling him closer.

I heard a phone vibrate "Turn off your phone," Sawyer ordered

"That's not mine," Sawyer reached over and grabbed his phone

"What, I'm busy," he growled at the person on the other line.

"Are you fucking serious," he hissed

"Yeah, I'll see you soon," Sawyer hung up

"What's wrong," I asked

"We are going to Louisiana," Sawyer said

"Why, we haven't even been here for a day," I asked

"For Mardi Gras," I jumped on him


"Wait, then what was the whole point of going to Brazil," I asked

"We were going to Carnaval," I pouted

"Well, we should just stay here, we can go to Mardi Gras next year," I shrugged

"No we have to go, get dressed and packed," I sighed and grabbed my clothes from the floor

Sawyer glared at the clothes in my hand, "Don't worry, I'm just putting them back in the suitcase, I'm putting my normal clothes on,"

I'm so so so so sorry that this chapter is crappy.

A Youtuber Wedding (Slowly remaking)Where stories live. Discover now