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Few days later

I sat on the box spring of my bed drinking my third bottle of vodka, I've been in that same position for about three days now.

Nothing mattered anymore, I didn't even bother with cleaning my room up from my rage blackout. Leianna entered as I finished my third bottle

"Alianna, Sawyer's here," she said
I grabbed my fourth bottle of vodka "Tell him he can go straight to hell" I slurred

"Alianna, I know you're upset and I wish you would let me kill him, but he won't stop bugging me" she persuaded

"No," I said

Leianna continued to beg, I drank half the bottle

"Fine, bring that fucker in" I slurred again

Leianna stepped out as Sawyer stepped in. His hair is a mess, his eyes were puffy and red, and he looked like he haven't slept in weeks. (Even though it's been a few days)

I took a another sip, Sawyer knelt down next to me. He took the bottle from my hands

"Baby listens, I'm sorry I cheated on you. I made the biggest mistake of my life." Sawyer said

I looked at him, and sighed

"I don't want your fucking apology, I want an explanation" I ordered

"Is there something wrong with me, am I too ugly, am I a fucking pig or you don't love me"

"No baby girl, it's not like that," he said

"Then why, why would you do this to me. I loved you more than than my life, matter a fact more than life period" I said

"I know baby, I'm so sorry I caused you so much pain."

"When did this start" I asked

"The day we went to the carnival, after I dropped you off. I asked my mom where she lived so she could apologize to you."

"You cheated on me twice" I said

Sawyer started making more and more excuses, the anger I had a few days ago came back.

The next thing I knew, my hand was connected to Sawyer's cheek

*I slapped him*

"I deserve that," Sawyer said

I pulled my hand away

"Our wedding was supposed to be a few days ago Sawyer, A FEW DAYS" I hissed.


"Do you know what the things your family said when I told them the wedding was off. THEY BLAMED ME" I screeched

"Psych, please just forgive. I know I made a huge mistake and I wish I could take it back" Sawyer said, grabbing my hands

I pulled them away and shook my head

"I can't trust you anymore Sawyer," I said on the verge of tears

A tear went down Sawyer's cheek. Sawyer stood up, his lips pressed against my forehead.

"I'm sorry baby girl, I'm so sorry" Sawyer whispered

Sawyer walked away, closing the door behind him. I sat there, trying so hard not to let the tears come out and getting back to my drinking

A Youtuber Wedding (Slowly remaking)Where stories live. Discover now