Surprise Move

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*A month later*

I sat on my bed, looking around my semi-empty room. A couple of suitcases near my feet

"Hey Alianna, ready for me to take you to the airport" Teressa said leaning against the doorway

"Yeah, and can you make sure the movers get my stuff to my new place before Jamilyn, Hannah, and Leianna get back" Teressa nodded.

I stood up and grabbed my suitcases, then walked downstairs. I put my house key in Teressa's hand as we walked out the door.

I walked to to Teressa's car as she was locking the front door. I was looking at the ground when I knocked into someone and stumbled

"Sorry, " I said, picking myself up

"It's fine Alianna," I cringed at that familiar voice

"Why are you here Sawyer," I sighed

"I-I wanted to talk if that's alright," Sawyer said, staring at my suitcases

"Listen Sawyer, I still can't forgive you, and besides, I have to go," I said with frustration in my voice

"You're going on a trip or some-," I cut him off

"I'm leaving, I can't be around this anymore," I said

"I'm sorry Alianna, just please don't leave. I love-," Sawyer said

"STOP, Just stop, don't use that fucking word because you and I know that's " Teressa came up from behind me and started pushing me to her car.

I turned around to see Sawyer walking away "Thank you," I said to her


"Remember, don't tell anyone where I'm going and make sure Kaylee doesn't say anything either" I said

"Sure, I'm going to miss you," I gave her a tight hug

"All passengers now board flight 245," the overhead speaker said.

I pinched her cheeks and walked over to the lady. She asked my passport and plane ticket. I stepped on and found my seat

I put my luggage in the carry on case container and sat down.

"Um, excuse me Miss, but I think you're in my seat" a Russian accent said

I looked up "I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention," I moved to the window seat

"It's alright," he said, sitting down "My name is Alexey Vorobyov by the way," he greeted
"Alianna my real name, but my friends call me Psycho, " I took my hand out and shook his

"So you're American," he said. I gave him a smirk "Well, you're the prettiest American I've ever seen,"

I shrugged off his attempt to flirt with me and thanked him. The plane took off, I shook a little bit

"See, you're not too fond of flying, talking would get your mind off it," Alexey put his hand on top of mine as we began to talk about random topics

I know it's weird talking to a person I just barely know, but I have a good feeling about this guy. Plus, I really like his Russian accents.

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