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*Few days after the concert*

Kaylee: So did you really run off

P: Yea, I felt so bad, but at the same time I wanted to stay

Kaylee: Then why didn't you

P: I don't want to get attached and then he end of cheating

Kaylee: What are the odds of you getting cheated on three times in a row

P: Knowing my luck, its possible

Kaylee: What's he like

P: He's an actor and singer in Russia, he sometimes serious and sometimes likes to take control but overall he's kind and sweet

Kaylee: Wow, you must really like him

P: I do, so anyway how is everyone

Kaylee: Everyone was pissed that you snuck off, but they got over it and you really need to go back on YouTube

P: Why should I

Kaylee: Sawyer has changed so much, his hair was blue now it's blonde and he is dating that Carly girl

P: Thanks, I really didn't need to know that

Kaylee: Sorry about that. Listen, I have to go, Omar and I are going on a date later.

P: Alright, bye, use protection

Kaylee: I hate you

I put my phone on the bed,

"So that's the reason you ran," I screamed and look towards the window. Alexey was there with his serious face

"How the hell did you get up a two story window," I hissed

"A ladder," he smirked. I shook my head "How much did you hear," I asked

"All of it," I hid my face, I felt his hand on my shoulder.

"Alianna, I'm not one of those guys. You know that," Alexey grabbed my hands

"I know, but my last two boyfriends said the same thing," I said

"Do I look like I would do that. For the past month, every waking moment I've been spending it with you," Alexey said

"I don't care," I said

"Please, let me show that I'm better than those dick heads you dated," He said

"Alright, we can try," I smiled

"Good," Alexey scooped me up in his arms and gave me a hug. I kissed his nose

"Let's see how this plays out," I said

*Year later (January 1st)*

Alexey and I've been dating for a year now. Our relationship is like a time bomb, but in a good way.

I do things that I've never done in my life before. I went to a beach, (I still don't swim) I climbed trees and learned a few tricks.

All of this was taught with anger, we would bicker and cuss each other out. It doesn't sound healthy, but it helps

*A month before*

"Why won't you just climb the fucking tree," Alexey hissed

"I'm afraid of heights," I said while he was sitting on a tree branch and I was sitting on the grass

"Get your lazy ass up here," he said

"No," I said, getting really annoyed

"Get up here," he chanted

I scoffed, I flipped him off "Screw you asshole, I'm going home," I stood up and gathered my stuff. I turned around

"Lazy Cunt," Alexey called out

I turned around and looked up at him "The fuck did you call me," I hissed at him

"A lazy cunt," he repeated,"Come down and say it to my face," I growled

"No," Alexey simply said. Anger flared inside as I grabbed the trunk of the tree without realizing it and climbed

I sat next to him, took off my shoe and hit him with it "CALL ME A MOTHERFUCKING CUNT AGAIN AND SO HELP ME ILL SEND YOU TO HELL," I screamed as people stared at us

As soon as I realized I was high enough to break my neck, I clung onto Alexey's torso tightly

"It's alright, you're not going to fall," he said, giving me a kiss on my forehead

"This is so embarrassing," I told him

"you climbed a tree though and I'm sorry for calling you lazy and a cunt,"

"It's fine," I gave him a peck on the lips.


"Alianna, I have good news," Alexey said, jumping up and down

"What" I asked

"I'm going to be in my first American movie," He squealed

Since Alexey's new movie: The Three Musketeers, different directors tried to get him a part in their movies, but he always refuses

"What movie," I asked

"The Great Gatsby," he said


I quickly stopped, realizing that he's going to leave me for a while "What's wrong?," Alexey asked

"Well, you're going to go to Sydney Australia and I'll be here," I pouted

"Actually, some of it will be filmed in L.A and you were going to come with me," Alexey smiled. I jumped up and down, then stopped again

"Oh, L.A... not a great place for me to go," I gave a fake smile. Alexey picked me up and thrown me over his shoulder

"Say you'll go," Alexey said, spinning in circles. I laughed "Jokes on you, I like spinning around in circles" I smirked

"Well then, I guess we can take a swim," I started screaming, hitting his back playfully

"Alright, I'll go, I'll go," He sat me down on the couch. "When do you we leave," I asked

"Tomorrow at midnight, it takes 17 hours to get to L.A from here," he said crawling on top of me

"I have to go pack," I said, pushing him off

"Маленький дьявол," (Little Devil) Alexey whined

"No," I hissed

"Please, just for five minutes," He begged

"Fine, but you're buying me a pizza," I said. Alexey nodded and crawled back on top and kissed me passionately. My arms snaked around his neck, I deepen the kiss, licking his bottom lip for access.

"Taking control for the first time, I like it," Alexey said, pulling away before grabbing my waist tightly and kissing me again

"Alright, let me pack," I said, pushing him off and jumping off the couch

Alexey pulled me back "You said five minutes," he said

"I'm not in the mood ok," I said

"So you don't love me then," Alexey said. "I do love you," I protested

Alexey kissed me, wrapping his arms around me so I couldn't move

A Youtuber Wedding (Slowly remaking)Where stories live. Discover now