Total Embarrassment Pt:2

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Sawyer came back with can of whip cream in his right hand. Shaking it up and down

"Who was at the door" I asked

"Doesn't matter," Sawyer said

I stood up, I wrapped my arms around his chest. I took the whipped cream from his hand

I sprayed some on his lips, my lips gently pressed against his. I pulled away, whipped cream was smeared around his lips

Sawyer licked his lips then smiled. I kissed him, my body pressing against his. Sawyer took back the whipped cream can.

"Lay on the bed" Sawyer ordered

I obeyed his command, I went on the bed and lay down. Sawyer took off the my lingerie shirt

Sawyer swirled a small amount of whipped cream on my stomach. I could feel his tongue on my stomach licking it away.

I moaned with excitement, Sawyer put more whipped cream on my stomach, he licked that one slowly

Sawyer kissed me, my right hand was on the side of his neck. His tounge inches from my throat

"I love you" I said

"Here" Sawyer said handing me the can

I sprayed his cheek, once again the doorbell began ringing rapidly

"Great another interruption" Sawyer said

I sat up, Sawyer looked stressed,

"Do you want me to get it" I asked

"No, I'll get it"

Sawyer slipped away from me, then went out the door.

I put on the lingerie shirt and went to the bathroom to get the whipped cream from my body.

Sawyer put his hand on my shoulder and spun me around

"I'm mother is early," he said

Sawyer pushed me into his bedroom and locked the door.

I unlocked the door, but couldn't open it


"I'm sorry, just- give a minute till she leaves" Sawyer begged from the other side

I banged on the door, but it was no use. I sat on the carpet floor

"I'm such an idiot" I told myself

I unlocked the door, he forgot to put a chair against the door. I quietly opened the door to retrieve my clothes

I could hear a middle-aged woman's and Sawyer's voice. I tip-toed to the bathroom.

I entered the bathroom and grabbed my clothes.

"Sawyer, I've been holding it for four and a half hours, show me the bathroom"

I quickly turned off the bathroom light, then hid in the shower. I held my breath as the door and the light turned on.

*Few minutes later*

I took a peeked at Mrs. Hartman, she was doing her makeup in front of the mirror.

I phone began to ring, I tried my best to put it on mute, but I couldn't get the phone out of my pants pocket fast enough.

Sawyer's mother looked at my direction, she pulled the curtain revealing me in the lingerie

"SAWYER, SAWYER" She began to scream

I stepped out the shower and tried to calm her down, Sawyer walked in

"Sawyer,how could you cheat on your fiance, I raised you better than that" She said hitting him

"Mom, you don't understand, this is my fiancee" He said

Sawyer pulled me on his side and kissed my head

I waved my hand, the silence was started to get awkward

*This is going to be a long couple of weeks* i thought to myself

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