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I looked at myself in the mirror

I was wearing a black shirt and skinny jeans with boots. There was a knock at the front door

I went downstairs, grabbed my phone and keys, and opened the door. Sawyer was standing there wearing something casual and his black hat

"You look great," Sawyer said

"Um, thanks, so let's go," I said, stepping outside and locking the door

*Di Matteo*

"I love this place, they make the best pizza in Naples," I said as we walked through the entrance

"You've been here before," Sawyer asked

I nodded happily "I went a few times with-," I stopped my sentence

"Anyway, let's eat, you'll love it," I said

Sawyer pulled out my chair "Such a gentleman," I laughed, sitting down

Sawyer sat across from me, I turned my head towards the kitchen.

A woman Sawyer's age with pale skin, blue eyes, and dirty blonde hair was standing behind the cash register.

She took one look at Sawyer and unbuttoned the top three buttons of her shirt revealing some of her cleavage.

*Great, I'm not trying to deal with a flirty shit again* I still had my head turned towards the waitress

"So, since you've been here before I'll let you choose what we eat," Sawyer said, looking at the menu

"Alianna," I removed myself from my trance and looked at him

"Huh," I asked

"I said since you've been here before, I'll choose what we'll eat," he repeated himself

I looked at him and smiled "All right, I have the perfect thing, you'll love it," I said

The waitress walked over to us "Hi, I'm Sarah what would you like today," she said in a strong Italian accent.

Her focus was mainly towards Sawyer.

"Two Margherita and two cokes," I tried saying calmly

She nodded "Mi chiedo se lui l'avrebbe fosso per me," she said before walking away (I wonder if he would ditch her for me)

I growled "continuare a sognare cagna," I said, loud enough for her to hear (Keep dreaming bitch)

She frowned before continuing to the kitchen. Sawyer looked at me curiously "What did you say to her," he asked

"I told her that she had pretty shoes," I lied

Sawyer nodded, knowing I would probably never tell him. Sarah came back with our food

"Here you go," she practically pressed her boobs in his face as she sat the pizza carefully on the table

She dropped my food on the table like it was nothing. Then walked away

"Are you ok Alianna," I cut the pizza with my knife and put a slice in my mouth

"Peachy," I growled

*Little bit later*

"Here you go," Sarah said, putting down the bill

Sawyer paid it, the waitress back and 'fell' into Sawyer's lap

"I'm so sorry," she said, not attempting to get off of him

Sawyer's gaze was towards her chest "Is that a pen in your pocket or you're just happy to see me,"

I stood up and pulled her to the ground.

*That fucking asshole, motherfucker Son of a bitch, cunt sucker.* I was thinking of every swear word in the book

You could see the huge bulge in his pants. I walked out the restaurant

"Alianna," Sawyer called out

I turned around and looked down at hit pants again. He still had a boner.

"I'm so sorry, I di-didn't mean-," I stopped him

I started laughing "You're apologizing while still having a fucking boner,"

Sawyer said nothing

"You can go fuck her Sawyer, you can fuck whoever you want," I continued to walk away

"Fucking mistake forgiving that bastard," I mumbled to myself

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