Little fight/Make up

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I stayed silent as Sawyer drove out of the parking lot. I stared out the opened window, letting little rain droplets fall on my cheek

"What's wrong" Sawyer asked

I frowned at him, then turned back towards the window

"Alianna," Sawyer said

I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. I was too pissed off to even speak

"Why did you smile" I asked still staring at the dark sky

"What are you talking about" He asked

"That little witch licked your earlobe and I saw her hand rubbing on your leg" I snapped

"You saw that" Sawyer asked

"YES, I DID" I yelled

I could see in the corner of my eye Sawyer looking at me

"What's the big deal Alianna" Sawyer asked

I was this close from punching him, I took a deep breath instead
"The big deal is I don't want your ex girlfriend rubbing or licking you" I yelled

"You're mine and no one else" I said

"Are you jealous" he asked

I glared at him

"No," I lied

I looked at Sawyer, I didn't realize that the car stopped. I peered out the window

"Bye" I said coldly

Sawyer grabbed my arm before I could open the door, he pulled me on his lap.

"No Sawyer," I said

Sawyer kissed me passionately, I pulled away when he tried to stick his tongue in my mouth

"You promised me no sex till our honeymoon" I whined

He put his index finger on my lips, and stroked my cheek

"You seem stress, I just wanna make you feel better" he said seductively

Sawyer removed his finger so I could speak

"I'm fine Sawyer, trust me" I said

Sawyer kissed me again more roughly and full of lust. He licked my bottom lip asking for access. I happily let him explore his territory

I moved my hands to his waistline, unbuckling his belt and unbuttoning his pants.

Sawyer didn't pull away as we climbed in the back and he took off my dress then my bra.

I felt his lips press against my breast, then my collarbone and then my neck. He sucked my neck trying to find my sweet spot.

I bit my lip, not letting myself moan when he sucked my sweet spot. Sawyer noticed this and bit down letting a loud moan escape my lips. I felt him smirk against my skin.

"Are you ready?," he asked

I didn't know what he was talking about until I saw his erected 'friend' pop out.


Sawyer put himself inside of me, I moaned. He thrust in and out causing him to grunt and groan

"Faster" I moaned

He obeyed

"FUCK, I THINK I'M GONNA---" Sawyer started cumming in the condom.

He layed down on top of me, short of breath and panting

"I.. love.. you.." he breathed

He kissed my forehead

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