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I moved away from him, I finally stopped crying. "I'm ready to talk... Truly talk," I said

Sawyer nodded "How did you feel after you slept with her,"

Sawyer took a deep breath, "I felt guilty, I freaked out,"

I wanted to scream at him, I took a deep breath and frowned instead

"If you felt guilty, then how come you did it again," I asked

"She came by, I told her that everything we did was a mistake and that I loved you. She came on to me, it was a moment of weakness,"

"You told me that you still love her, is that true," I asked

Sawyer knelt down in front of me, he grabbed my hands and held them tightly.

"I only love you baby,"

"You say that now, but what will happen a day from now, a week, or even a month... What will you say then,"

"That I still love you,"

I couldn't look him in the eye "How can I trust you though, you broke that," I asked, looking at our hands intertwined

"I know it will take time, but I will do anything to gain your trust again," a tear slid down my face

Sawyer wiped it away with his thumb. I shook my head and moved his hand away

"You promised me something a long time ago and you broke it... I can get over that," I said

A few tears rolled down his cheek, I couldn't stand seeing him cry even just a little.

"Hey, don't cry," I said

"I fucked up Alianna, I'm sorry... I didn't mean to hurt you. Everything's my fault," tears started flooding down his cheeks

"Don't cry," I put my hand on his cheek

"Just answer this question... Do you still love me," he asked

It felt like my heart stopped beating. I began to cry again, nodding my head

"I never stopped loving you," I sobbed

More tears streamed down both of our faces, his eyes were red. Sawyer smiled

I rested my forehead against his "I love you Sawyer, I love you so much," I sobbed again stroking his wet cheek with my thumb

I kissed him, he hesitated before kissing back. It was rough, yet passionate. Sawyer pulled away, our foreheads were still connected.

"You don't know how long I've been wanting to do that," he whispered

Sawyer gave me a peck on the lips, "I missed you so much," I said

"I missed you too baby,"

Sorry if this chapter was terrible.

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