Trying Again

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*Month later*

I opened my eyes, I took a short nap. I sat up, there was black roses and a package of candy.

I picked up the flowers, there was a little card on the side of them. I picked it up and opened it:

Every day and night, my mind is filled with thoughts of you... As long as the sun continues to shine, you can be sure that my heart will remain yours


I giggled at his corniness, I put the card on the side and stood up. I grabbed the candy and popped one in my mouth.

I decided to give Sawyer another chance.


"After thinking about it Sawyer, I'll take you back," Sawyer lifted my body off the ground and kissed me all over my face

"This doesn't mean all the trust I had was restored," I said

"And I'll make that up," he said giving me another kiss


There was a knock on the door, I stopped what I was doing and went over to the door

"Hi," I said, opening it up

"Hey," Sawyer said, pulling me in a bone crushing hug

"Do you like the flowers and candy," I nodded, pulling away from him

"Yes, thanks," I said

I let Sawyer through, he gave me a kiss on the forehead.

"How do you feel about going out to dinner tonight," he asked

"I don't know I'm not up to the fancy restaurant," I said

Sawyer moved over towards me "How about we go to a pizzeria, I know how much you love pizza," Sawyer said

"Alright, I can't turn down pizza," I said

Sawyer stepped over and gave me another hug "Sawyer..." I said

Yea," he asked

"You're squishing me," he quickly let go

"Sorry," he said

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