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Three days before the wedding

"This is the one thing I ask you to do. Please baby girl" Sawyer begged

"No, and that is my final answer" I growled

Sawyer took my hand

"You don't want her to flirt with me now do you?" He asked

I thought about it for a second before sighing in defeat. I slipped on my sneakers, grabbed his hand, and headed out the door meeting with his ex

*The Carnival*

I held Sawyer's hand as we entered threw the carnival gates. My grip tightens as I saw her. Carly was wearing the shortest shorts on earth and a white crop top shirt.

"Hey Sawyer" she hugged him too long for my comfort

My body tensed up as she removed her hands from around Sawyer

"I thought it was just going to be me and you" she said glaring at me

"Alianna really wanted to see the new haunted house with me and since the wedding is in a couple of days" Sawyer kissed my cheek

"So let's go then," I said

*Haunted House*

I lost Sawyer and Carly as soon we entered. The place looks small on the outside, but huge on the inside.

As I looked for Sawyer and Carly, I never realized how awesome this place is.

"Sawyer I'm scared," I heard a familiar feminine say

I peeked over the corner, Carly had her fake press on nails my man's waist

I gritted my teeth, then went over to a guy wearing a Leatherface costume and a chainsaw

I tapped on his shoulder "Um, excuse me, is that chainsaw real" I asked

"Yeah, the manager thought it would be scarier," he said

"Can I borrow that for a quick second, I promise I'll give it back" I pointed at his chain saw

Without hesitation, he handed me the chainsaw. I put on my exact replica of the Hannibal Lecter mask and turned on the chainsaw.

I ran towards them, Carly screamed, then ran out the building. I turned off the chainsaw, handed to back to Leatherface, then walked over to Sawyer.

"My psychopathic maniac" Sawyer said, grabbing my waist.

I pulled down my mask and gave him a passionate kiss. I put the mask in my pocket as we walked out the building.

*30 minutes later*

We found Carly by the cotton candy stand flirting with the vendor, she saw us and continue to flirt stroking his arm

*Guessing she's trying to make Sawyer jealous*

She kissed the guy's cheek, then walked over to us. I took Sawyer's hand and intertwine with mine

"Let's go to the boardwalk, then get something to eat" Carly scolded

"I'm good," I said

"Scared of a little water," she smirked

I gritted my teeth "Fine"

We headed towards the boardwalk, as we walked I put my hoodie over my head and played with my pocket knife.

I stopped when I saw the ocean, I peeked over the dock. I felt my hand on my back, pushing me into the saltwater dungeon.


I landed in the ocean, I held my breath and closed my eyes. I reopen them seeing nothing but darkness

I struggled trying going up, my foot was caught on something. I stupidly opened my mouth, letting all the water in my lungs.

I felt a hand grab my hoodie as I closed my eyes

"Breath" the familiar voice kept repeating

I opened my eyes and cough up water. Sawyer hovered over me, he held out his hand and helped me up

My whole body was soaking wet, luckily my phone was in Sawyer's pocket

"You ok" Sawyer asked

I nod my head, Carly was leaning against a flag pole. I walked over to her and grabbed her by the neck

"The next time you decide to push me into the water, think about how crazy I am" I said, squeezing tighter

"Alianna, let her go" Sawyer ordered

I hesitate for a bit, then removed my hand. Carly dropped to the ground gasping air.

"Let's go," I said, dragging Sawyer away

*Sawyer's car*

Sawyer took off his jacket and put it around my shoulders before starting the car.

"You didn't have to choke her" Sawyer said

I looked at him, I couldn't breath

"What" I growled

"You were too rash," he said


That ended the conversation, I stayed silent. The car stopped

"Thanks, today's been a wonderful day and I owe it to you" I said sarcastically

I got out the car and slammed the door behind me, leaving behind his jacket.

A Youtuber Wedding (Slowly remaking)Where stories live. Discover now