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"Well, that was a bust," I groaned as we went through the doorway

"Sorry we couldn't really go anywhere," Sawyer said

"I mean almost all the roads were blocked, what's so important that they have to block everything," I lay on the bed

Sawyer got on the bed and sat neck to me "I don't know," he smirked

I ignored his him "Let's go to a bar," Sawyer suggested

I shook my head, surprisingly the last thing I wanted to do is drink. "Are you sure, there's a bar around the corner," 

"Alianna we could use a drink,"


"Please," he begged, trying to annoy me

I smirked, "Since, we have nothing to do and its midnight somewhere... I guess,"

I jumped out of bed, I felt a sharp pain on my butt

"Hurry up," Sawyer smirked

I grabbed my suitcase and dragged it to the bathroom with me

"Phase one completed," I laughed evilly

I looked through the suitcase, trying to find the one outfit I knew he would say no to

"Hehehe," I laughed as I pulled out the outfit

I slipped on a black strapless crop top shirt and low cut shorts. "Alianna hurry up," Sawyer yelled

"Almost done," I yelled back

"Alright, I'm coming out," I stepped out of the bathroom

Sawyer looked at me, "What the hell are you wearing,"

The black strapless crop top barely covered my stomach and the back showed most of my tattoo.

"Do you like it," I smirked, putting my hand on my hips

"You're not wearing that," Sawyer pointed out

I stepped over towards him "Why not,"

"Alianna, take it off," he ordered

"No, I think this is my new favourite outfit," I smirked

Sawyer stood up "Take it off,"

"Make me," I stuck out my tongue
He stepped closer to me, his hands wrapped around my waist tightly.

"If you say so,"


I wanted to keep this a short chapter so I could there would be more juicy details in the next

Get it juicy 😆😆😆😅😅😅

No, ok then...

A Youtuber Wedding (Slowly remaking)Where stories live. Discover now