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*Week Later*

"Alianna," Sawyer called out my name

"Yeah," I asked

We were at the park, Sawyer was sitting on a bench while I was sliding down a slide

I walked over to him, "Can we-," I stopped him

"Look, there's a merry-go-round," I ran over towards it

I could hear Sawyer loud sighing. I've been avoiding our serious conversation about marriage. Since the day he brought it up.


I grabbed a sharp knife from the cabinet and a cutting board. Sawyer was watching as I cut onions, garlic, and bell peppers.

"You know you don't have to cook dinner for me," Sawyer said

"Who said this was for you," I smirked

Sawyer face went serious quickly, "I've been meaning to ask you something,"

"And what would that be Mr. Hartman," I asked

"When will we get married again," I felt a small sharp pain in my finger

"Fuck," Sawyer jumped from the chair

"Are you ok," I laughed

I looked down at my bleeding finger and put it in my mouth, sucked away the blood

"Overly concerned boyfriend... Haven't had one of those in a while,"

I washed my hands, then grabbed a band-aid and put it on the small wound

"We could have this conversation later... I don't want you hurting yourself,"

I nodded


Before I could go on the merry-go-round, Sawyer pulled me towards his chest

"Alianna, you can't avoid this forever,"

"What ever do you mean," I asked innocently

"You know what I mean," Sawyer sighed

"We will talk later, ok," I assured


"Yeah," I crossed my toes and fingers


I took a sip of my coffee that I made, Sawyer was somewhere in the living room watching TV.

"Alianna can we talk now,"

I made my way to the living room and fake yawned. I placed my mug of coffee on the coffee table

"I'm a bit tired Sawyer, you can let yourself out... I'm going to bed," Sawyer grabbed my arm and pulled me on his lap

"You promised," he said

*You promised things too*

"I crossed my fingers and toes," I said truthfully

Sawyer frowned "I'm not ready to talk about marriage with you," I stated

"Why not,"

"Because," I said

Sawyer lifted on of his eyebrows "Because what?,"

I took a deep breath "BecauseIdon'twantthesamethingtohappenalloveragain," Sawyer looked confused

"Can you repeat it slowly," Sawyer asked

"Because I don't want the same thing to happen all over again," Sawyer's face sadden

"That won't happen, I promise," Sawyer gave me a kiss on the forehead

"I love you, but I want more than 'I promise'," Sawyer put his right hand in his pocket

"Will this do," he asked, pulling out a black box

He opened it, revealing the same engagement ring he gave me before.

"I know I haven't been the best person to you the past year and I'm so sorry, but I wanna make it up to you ," Sawyer got on one knee

"I-um" I stuttered

"I understand if you don't want to answer right now," I said nothing

"I'll give you your answer now," Sawyer eyes widen as if this determined life or death


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