Dress Shopping

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I opened my eyes, I looked around realizing I am in my room, on my bed, and a note taped to my forehead.

I pulled it off and began reading

Dear Psycho,
I had an amazing time last night, I didn't want to wake you so I carried you in. I'll see you later

Love, Sawyer

I stood up and stretched my arms, then went to the bathroom for a quick shower

*After taking a shower*

I put on some baggy jeans and a Black Veil Brides t-shirt. I sat at my desk chair and looked around

"I really need to buy more black paint" I said looking at the walls

Leianna came in wearing the same t-shirt

"Come on, we have to leave?" she ordered

"Why" I asked

"Jamilyn scheduled another dress shopping day since you two didn't find one last time," Leianna said

I sighed, I

*If only I didn't ruin my first wedding dress* I thought to myself

I hopped up from the chair and slipped on my black sneakers.

"Let's get this over with" I pulled her out the door, grabbing my pocket knife in the process.

*Sawyer's house*

"Why are we here" I asked Jamilyn as she pulled up in Sawyer's driveway

"Sawyer begged me to take his mother along" Jamilyn said

I got out the car and went to the front door. I took the key from my pocket and unlocked the door.

I stepped through the door, Sawyer was on the couch with a plate full of bacon, pancakes, and eggs

"Hey baby" Sawyer said putting a fork full of pancakes in his mouth

I sat next to him, taking a piece of bacon from his plate. I stuffed it in my mouth, chewed then swallowed it

"MOM, ALIANNA HERE" He yelled out of nowhere

Mrs. Hartman walked into the living room with a business suit.

"I think I'll drive my rental car" she said

I nod my head, stood up and gave Sawyer a good-bye kiss then walked out the door with Mrs. Hartman close behind

*Dave's Bridal Shop\Later that day*

I stepped out of the changing room, I looked at the mirror for a split second

Jamilyn fixed the dress a little, I took a deep breath

"What do you guys think" Jamilyn asked

Leianna and Hannah gave me a thumbs up, Tessi and Kaylee smiled, and Mrs. Hartman frowned.

"Is something wrong Mrs. Hartman" I asked

She stood up "Yes, I'm sorry but you are not good enough for my son. You are a gothic emo slut and I don't think Sawyer should marry you"All our mouths hung open

I went back into the changing room, put the dress on the hook and got dressed. I stepped out and played with the pocket knife in my jacket pocket.

"Alianna, you okay" Teressa whispered in my ear

I ignored her and continued to fondle with my knife.

My blood boiled at the words she said

*you are not good enough for my son*

I took out the knife, then pinned Mrs. Hartman to the wall putting the knife to her neck

"ALIANNA STOP" Kaylee yelled

I didn't listen to the consent plea from my friends or my future mother in law

"She's not worth it, let her go" Leianna put her hand on my shoulder

I hesitated, then pulled away. Sawyer's mother ran out the door quickly, having all eyes turned on me

"Sorry I lost my sanity for a minute" I said rubbing the back of my neck

"Please don't tell Sawyer"


Hello my victims

So the dress in the picture is the dress my character was wearing wearing before she put the knife on Mrs. Hartman neck.

B.T.W my nickname is Psycho Path soo instead of using my birth last name I'll be using Ms Path

Soooooo, yea


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