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Later that night (around 8pm)

"I don't want to wear this" I whined to Hannah

I was forced to wear makeup, and a black dress. It wasn't all that, but Hannah tried to make someone who was imperfect perfect.

"Listen, you want to make a good first impression during dinner. Don't eat like a damn pig like you do at home" Hannah ordered

I sighed, Sawyer came in wearing a tuxedo, his eyes were wide open when he saw me

"Why are you staring" I asked annoyed

"You're beautiful" Sawyer said

I rolled my eyes, I stepped on my on my tippy toes and gave him a kiss on the forehead (I used the word tippy toes, don't judge me)

I slipped on my sneakers and headed out the doorway, Hannah stopped me holding a pair of high heels shoes

"You're not wearing that, put these on" She ordered

I snatched the shoes from her hands and put them on

I began to walk downstairs, tripping over my feet then catching myself

I opened the front door and waited for Sawyer to come out.

*Five minutes later*

"What took so long" I asked Sawyer as he got into the car

"Leianna threatened me to kill me if I try anything" He said

I smirked at him, I could see Leianna staring at us through the window.

I grabbed Sawyer's face and crushed his lips against mine. I pulled away when Sawyer tried to deepen it and looked at Leianna's face.

She stormed out the house running towards us

"DRIVE" I laughed

Sawyer pressed his foot on the gas as we drove away, I could hear Leianna yelling in the background.

*Some random restaurant I didn't know the name*

"How about we just sit here" I asked Sawyer as he was pulling up into the parking lot

"No," Sawyer said

I sighed at him, I wasn't ready to have a lame conversation with his parents, hinting that I'm not good enough for him

"I promise everything is going to be fine" Sawyer said

I stepped out of the car, it was freezing outside. (don't forget it's autumn) I didn't bring a jacket

*damn my stubbornness* I yelled in my head

Sawyer took my hand and we quickly walked towards the entrance.

I looked around, Sawyer's parents were talking to some blonde (I don't have a problem with people with blonde hair btw)

Her back was towards us, Sawyer's eyes widen. The mystery girl turned around.

She was beautiful, I felt like a cow compared to her. She was wearing a red dress with red lipstick and shoes. Her hair was in a little bun

"Sawyer it's so good to see you" She said hugging him

Sawyer quickly pulled away with a confused look on his face

"I'm sorry I don't remember you" Sawyer said

She looked surprised, then smiled and slowly leaned next to his ear

My mouth hung open as I saw her licking his earlobe. I pushed her away, hoping she fall on the ground and cry

Sawyer had a smiled on his face as she stood there perfectly fine

"Oh Carly, I didn't recognize you" Sawyer said

I stared at Sawyer, I couldn't believe he just smiled at that. My blood boiled

"Ummm Alianna, this is my ex girlfriend" Sawyer said

I didn't want to be polite, but I could hear Hannah threatening voice in my head

"Nice.... To... Meet.... You" I gritted my teeth

I held out my hand for her to shake it, but she just laughed at me

*bougie princess* I thought to myself

"So let's go in shall we" Sawyer's father said

*Dinner time*

I sat next to Sawyer's left, Carly was on his right talking to his mother.

I silently ate my spaghetti, Sawyer had an concerning facial expression on his face while I took a gulp of wine

Sawyer leaned next to me, his lips inches from my ear

"What's wrong," Sawyer whispered low enough that only I could hear

I shook my head to his question, continuing to look down at my half empty plate

I stood up and excused myself to the bathroom. Carly was getting a little to close with my fiancee

I before I entered the restroom, I could see Carly rubbing her hand up and down on Sawyer's leg

I growled as I opened the bathroom door

*few minutes later*

I came back, I could see Mrs. Hartman, staring at me coldly. Right now I needed alcohol and I need it now

I walked up to Sawyer, I tapped him on the shoulder. He knew I was a little pissed off from the way I tapped his shoulder

"I'm going home" I told him

"I'll be ready in a minute" Sawyer said

I shook my head "I'll just have Jamilyn pick me up" I told him

He quickly shook his head

"Alianna," Sawyer begged

Sawyer stood up

"I'll see guys when I get home and it was great seeing you again Carly" Sawyer said

"Bye Sawyer" they told him

Carly glared at me as I took Sawyer's hand

Together we walked out the door, Sawyer's hands were around my waist.

A Youtuber Wedding (Slowly remaking)Where stories live. Discover now