Coming Home

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*Kaylee's place*

I knocked on the door, Kaylee quickly opened the door "I'm sorry," I said

She raised one eyebrow "You were right, he was controlling and I was too stubborn to realize that," I said

Kaylee crossed her arms across her chest "So you dumped him and left," I nodded

"Am I allowed to shoot him," she asked

"No," Kaylee started ranting and how she should be allowed to cut off his balls or shoot him multiple times

"Kaylee, I really appreciate it, but no killing celebrities unless they really deserve it," I scolded

Kaylee said something in Spanish that I couldn't understand "What are you planning on doing now," Kaylee asked after calming down

"I'm going home," I said, Kaylee started squealing "YOU'RE MOVING BACK HOME," she said

I quickly shook my head "No, by home I mean in Italy," Kaylee face sadden

"I thought you were over Sawyer,"

"This isn't about Sawyer, I moved because I wanted a change in venue," I stated

"Alianna, I know when you're lying," Kaylee argued

I sighed "Listen, I really don't want to fight with you about this. I just came by to say I'm sorry and be on my way," Kaylee gave me a hug

"When does your flight leave," Kaylee asked

"Two and a half hours, so I'm heading to the airport now. I'll call when I get home," I gave her one last hug before I left.

*Home (Naples, Italy)*

I threw my bag on the floor and hurried to my bed. I pulled the covers over my head, jet lag got the best of me and I quickly went to sleep.

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