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I wiped the stray tears from my eyes, I couldn't breathe. My chest ached

My phone began to ring, I grabbed my Bluetooth and answered the phone

"Hello?" I asked

"Alianna baby, please" Sawyer said

"Goodbye Sawyer" I hung up

I finally pulled up in my driveway, I got out the car and went in the house

No one was home, I went in my bedroom. I began crying softly in my pillow, I sat up wiping away the tears  

I looked around, my eyes landed on a picture of Sawyer hands wrapped around my waist. I got up and grabbed the picture frame

I looked so happy back then, I threw the frame on the floor and began smashing it with my shoe

I never felt this much rage, pain and sadness before. I had so much rage towards Sawyer

*Hour Later*

I looked around my room, it was a total wreck. I could remember myself screaming as I destroyed my room

I looked in my mirror, it was shattered with blood on the shards of glass

I began to cry again, I covered my face with my bloody hands

I heard the front door open

"ALIANNA, ARE YOU HOME" Jamilyn asked

"YEAH," I my hands were still covered my face

I heard my door open and closed, I bother looking at who came in. I wanted them to see me suffer 

"Leave me alone, " I said, not caring who's there

"Please look at me," Sawyer begged

I removed my hands, Sawyer was inches from me. He noticed the blood on my face and wiped it away with his shirt sleeve.

I pushed his hand away, I stared at the ground. Sawyer put his hands under my chin, forcing me to look at him. I stared at his big brownish eyes 

"Do you still love her" I asked

Sawyer hesitated, I took a deep breath

"Do you or do you not love her" I asked getting angry

"Yes, " he said

My heart shattered into a million pieces when he said that. I started crying, Sawyer wiped away my tears with his thumb

"Get out, " I said

"Ali-" I cut him off

"I SAID GET OUT" I screamed

"Please, I'm sorry" Sawyer said

Sawyer tried putting a hand on my shoulder, but I swat it away

"DON'T TOUCH ME" I growled 

I stood up, grabbing a cloth from a drawer and tied it around my bleeding hand. "You could grab your stuff now or later, but I want you gone" I said

I went to the bathroom and locked the door. I sat on the floor, put my head between my knees and cried silently

*Hour Later*

I was still crying on the bathroom floor, Hannah was banging on the door

"Tell me what happened, Alianna opened the door, " she yelled

I grew tired of her content pleas and let her in, quickly closing the door behind her.

"Now, tell me what happened"

I explained everything that happened. I had tried back tears, I couldn't keep them in anymore


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