
35 1 1

"Why did he bring her to the place I worked," I slurred

*I don't love him, why do I care*

"I'm lying to myself," Tears rapidly rolled down my cheeks

I still loved him, everyday I think about our past relationships. I miss him so much.

I put the wine glass on the coffee table. I tried to stop crying, but I couldn't.

There was a knock on the door, I didn't move.

*If I just sit here, maybe they'll leave*

"Alianna, are you home," I sat up when I heard my name.

I tried to calm myself, but it was too much. I stood up and went towards the door. I looked through the peep hole

*Just great*

I opened the door "Leave me alone, go back to your girlfriend," I said, wiping tears away

"No, we need to talk... You can't avoid this," Sawyer said

I shook my head "No, I don't want to talk to you," I said

"That wasn't a request Alianna," he said

I let him through the doorway "Why did you bring her to my job,"

"I wanted-," I cut him off

"You wanted to what, tell her that you love her... Propose to her right in front of me," I said

He shook his head "I broke up with her," I started at him

"Why," I asked

"I don't love her anymore, every time I'm with her... I was thinking of you," my heart sadly skipped a beat

"You weren't thinking about me when you were fucking her," I hissed

Sawyer grew silent, I grabbed the cup of wine I had on the table "I thought so," I said taking a sip

"I'm sorry," he said

I smashed the glass cup on the carp, Sawyer jumped. A huge wine stain filled the floor


"You were only with me out a pity, you don't give a damn about me... I was just your backup whore," Sawyer frowned

"No you weren't," he said

I shook my head "Stop lying to me, every relationship I've been in was out of pity. You never loved me," Sawyer grabbed my hand

"Stop assuming that I don't love you," He ordered

I rolled my eyes "Well, that's pretty hard after what happened," I said

"Tell me what do I have to do in order for you to forgive me," I looked at him, I leaned in. My face was inches from his

"Get your heart broken, then live in hate and insecurity for a year," I growled

I backed away from him and pointed towards the door "You know where the exit is," I hissed

"I'm not leaving," Sawyer stated

"LEAVE," I snapped

"No," he said

I tried to push him towards the front door, but he didn't budge

"Sawyer, get the fuck out of my house," I ordered, starting to get really pissed

"WOULD YOU JUST LET ME FUCKING TALK TO YOU," I headed towards the door since he refused to leave, Sawyer grabbed my arm tightly

"LET ME GO YOU FUCKING PRICK, I HATE YOU," I felt a sting on my cheek

Sawyer released my arm and stepped back "I'm so sorry Alianna," he said

I balled my fist, I took a deep breath and swung. My fist connected with his cheek

I started crying again, Sawyer pulled me towards his chest. I tried to pull away, but his grip was tight

I sobbed on his chest as he repeated I'm sorry in my ear.

This chapter has no title, it's not because I couldn't think of one... It's because I felt like this doesn't need a title.

A Youtuber Wedding (Slowly remaking)Where stories live. Discover now