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I held Sawyer's hand as we walked down the aisle together. Instead of having a reception, Sawyer wanted to quickly leave.

"Bye guys, I'll see you in a few weeks," I waved

I took one black rose from the bouquet, turned around and tossed it in the air. I quickly stepped into the limo and watched as they fought over the flowers

"CAT FIGHT CAT FIGHT," I shouted through the window as the limo sped away

Sawyer sat next to me "So where are we going," I asked

"It's a surprise, we just have to stop a few places first," I gave him a kiss

Sawyer pinned my body down on the leather seat. He had my arms pinned down so I couldn't push him away

"Sawyer, you're going to rip the dress, stop," I whined as his lips connected to my neck

Sawyer ignored me and bit my earlobe

I let out a low moan "Sawyer I'm not having a quickie in thi-," Sawyer cut me off with a kiss

I felt his boner on my thigh and his hands on my dress trying to unzip it

"Sawyer," I mumbled, trying to take a breath

I pushed him off of me "I'm not having a quickie with you," I looked down, realizing that I was only in my bra and underwear

My cheeks heated up. I punched him in the chest, then picked up my dress and slipped it back on.


"Are you going to tell me where we're going now," Sawyer shook his head

We were at an airport, Sawyer refused to let out of my wedding dress "Can you tell me now," I asked

"Nope," he said

"Here's your passport," Sawyer handed me my little blue book

"So we are going out of the country," I raised my eyebrows


"Flight 421 to Rio de Janeiro departs in 20 minutes"

Sawyer grabbed my hand and started running towards the lady taking people's tickets

*So, we're going to Brazil, that's unexpected* I thought

*Brazil/Some Hotel*

"What are you doing," I asked Sawyer as we made it to our hotel room door

"I'm going to carry you through the threshold," Sawyer held out his hands

I shook my head, Sawyer swept me off my feet and opened the door

"So this is why you wanted me to stay in this dress," Sawyer leaned in and gave me a kiss

My hands wrapped his neck, pulling him closer. Sawyer pulled away and smirked

"So Mrs. Hartman, what should we do now," he asked

"Well.. I'm going to take off my dress...," Sawyer raised his eyebrows in excitement

"Then put on some clothes and explore the place," I jumped off his lap, grabbed my suitcase, and opened it

I frowned as I picked up the two pieces of blue fabric "Did you pack this suitcase," I raised the two piece bikini higher

"Yup I-," I shushed him

"I'm going to pretend I didn't see this, and go get dressed," I pulled out some clothes and ran to the bathroom

A Youtuber Wedding (Slowly remaking)Where stories live. Discover now