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"I've never been on a private jet before," I said as I took a seat next to Alexey. I had the aisle seat and he took the window seat.

"I don't know about you, but I'm gonna try to sleep for 17 hours," I said closing my eyes

*17 hours later*

"Alianna, Маленький дьявол wake up," (Little Devil). I opened my eyes and put on my new glasses

"We're here, come on," Alexey said. I stood up and stretched, I looked out the window. There were paparazzi, cameras, and loads of fans


"You're a Russian actor who is very famous in America. How is this?," I asked curiously. Alexey frowned

"Don't forget, I'm also a Russian and American singer," he said as he put on his black sunglasses

"I watched one of your videos, it's in Russian," I smirked, I grabbed a couple of bags as we left the plane.

Alexey covered me with his jacket as cameras flashed and fans screamed "WE LOVE YOU ALEX,"

"Who's Alex," I asked. Alexey laughed "It's my name in English," he said.

The cameras continued to flash, Alexey removed his jacket as the paparazzi snapped pictures faster "ALEX, ALEX WHO IS THIS GIRL?," one of them shouted

"IS SHE YOUR GIRLFRIEND?," the other asked, a limo pulled up as the paparazzi started crowding around me.

The doors opened as we stepped in, "Alright Alex, we'll take you to your hotel and then its straight to the movie shoot," Alexey's agent said

"Will you be coming along," Alexey whispered in my ear. I shook my head "No, I'll come to the next shoot. I going to visit my friends," I said

"Alright," I gave him a kiss


I stopped at the porch, I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. I waited for about two minutes before someone answered

I was caught in a bone crushing hug by Hannah "You're fucking dead for leaving without telling anyone,"

"Sorry," I said, trying to breath. Hannah let go, she punched me playfully and pat my head.

"Hey Hannah, did you know Alianna is on TMZ," Jamilyn asked walking up to the doorway. She stopped as soon as she saw me and gave me a hug

"So you're dating a Russian superstar now," Jamilyn said. I nodded, Jamilyn squealed.

"Yeah, he's at a movie shoot, I'm supposed to meet him at our hotel in about a few minutes," I said looking at my phone

"You just got here," Hannah whined.

"I know, but Alexey doesn't like me being late," I said

"At least let us take you home," I shook my head "I'll just get a cab," I lied

They both nodded, went back into the house, and closed the door. I walked down the street, I pulled out my phone

P: Hey Alexey, are you at the hotel yet

Alexey: Almost, why

P: Just wondering, I'll be there soon

Alexey: Alright love you

P: Love you too

I hung up, I put my phone back in my pocket and continued to walk a more few miles. I stopped as soon as I saw a familiar house

*Just wonderful*

I texted Alexey to come pick me up at the given address, I leaned against a nearby light pole and put my hoodie over my head

"Alianna," a voice called out from behind


"Um, Hey Sawyer," I turned around

I looked at him, his hair was blonde, and had a bit of stubble on his face

"I thought you left," he asked, running towards me. I took a deep breath, "I'm only staying for a couple of days, then going to Sydney for a while," I said. Sawyer had a sad expression on his face

"Oh, well it seems you're doing good for yourself," he said

"Yeah," I said awkwardly, rubbing the back of my neck

"Do you wanna go catch up while you're still here," he asked. I shook my head,

"No, Sawyer you have a girlfriend and I've moved on," I said

A limo pulled up as Carly walked over to us "Hello Alianna," Carly said, pulling Sawyer into a passionate kiss then glaring at me

"Hello the scum of the earth," I said under my breath. Alexey stepped out of the limo.

Carly started screaming loudly, she ran over to Alexey. "OH MY GOSH, ALEX SPARROW," she said, jumping up and down.

I growled, I grabbed Alexey by his arm and pulled him into a rough passionate kiss.

"Are you that desperate for a guy that you would have to kiss a celebrity,"

"Кто это," (Who is this)

I stared at him blankly "Шлюха, и мой бывший," (A whore and my ex)

Alexey chuckled, Sawyer and Carly looked at us with a confused look.

"So you're the guy who broke my Маленький дьявол heart," Alexey said, wrapping his arms around my waist.

Carly had her mouth wide open and her eyes jumped out of her skull

"You know... I can't decide whether to kick your ass or thank you," Alexey said, getting into Sawyer's face.

Sawyer balled his fist, I grabbed Alexey arm and pulled him back
"Come on Alexey, we need to go back to the hotel," I said.

"Yeah, sure," Alexey said. We walked to the limousine, I stepped in and Alexey came in afterwards

I could see Sawyer with a sad smug on his face as we pulled away

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