New Friend

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*After the plane ride*

"Thank you Alexey, I really appreciated it," I said as we stepped out the plane

"My pleasure, and I hope we will meet again," he said in his very strong Russian accent

"Same," I said, grabbing my luggage and hailing a taxi. A black one stopped at the curb, I opened my door, put my stuff in and getting in

"Dove?" (Where To?) He asked. I gave him the address.

*New Home*

I thanked the cab driver as I paid him the cash. I stepped out and grabbed my phone from my pocket. Since it was ringing

P: Hello

???: Hey Alianna, it's Vicky

P: Hey

Vic: Just wanted to see if you made it yet

P: Yea

I hung up before she could say anything else. I was too happy right now to deal with her

I took out of my new key and open the door to my new house. It was already furnished and everything seemed to work

I walked around, looking at the three bedrooms and two bathrooms, checking to make sure the water works and electricity

I put my luggage in the master bedroom. There was a knock on the door, I went downstairs, peeked through the door and opened it

"Sei signorina Path", (Are you Miss Path) I nodded, a bunch of men came in with my things then left

"Grazie," I said before closing the door,

"Great, I have to put all this stuff away by myself," I whined

*Later that night*

I finally finished putting everything up, to tell the truth, it wasn't that bad. It was only my mattress, computer desk, and computer.

I grabbed my phone from the counter since my ringtone was going off and answered it

P: Hello

???: Hello, is this Alianna

P: yes and who might this be

???: Hi Alianna, its Alexey, I was wondering if you would like to go to Pompeii with me tomorrow

P: Sure, but I live in Naples

Alexey: Don't worry, it's just a short drive and boat ride

P: Ok, if you say so, pick me up tomorrow at noon

Alexey: Noon American time or Noon Italian time?

P: Noon Italian time since it would be 7 p.m. here and noon America

Alexey: Alright, I'll see you then Маленький дьявол (Little Devil)

P: Bye

I hung up "Did he just call me little devil," I asked myself.

*Next Day*

I sat up in my bed, I looked at my phone,


I shot out of bed and went to take a quick shower "DAMN IT, DAMN IT, DAMN IT" I continued to scream waiting for the water to get hot

The doorbell began to ring, "SHIT" I ran to the front door with my clothes in my hands

"I'm coming" I yelled going down stairs, I flew open the door. Alexey was standing in the doorway wearing a blue shirt and jeans with sunglasses on

"So sorry Alexey, I woke up late. You could come in if you want, I'll be taking a shower, then we could go" I said running back upstairs

*After a Short Shower*

I put on my Black Veil Brides T-shirt and black ripped jeans. I ran downstairs to find Alexey watching TV

"Ready," I said. Alexey stood up "You like Black Veil Brides too," he said smiling

Alexey showed me a picture of the band on this phone.

"I heard they're having a concert in a month and since we're both fans, I think we should go together" Alexey smirked

"Maybe, let's just start with Pompeii first" I giggled


"You know I always wanted to come here," I said as we were walking around the ruins of the ancient town with cookies and cream ice cream in my hands

"Interesting, how come you never visit before," Alexey asked, licking his vanilla ice cream

"I lived in America and I just never thought to much about it," I shrugged

We continue to walk around, "So what made you come to Italy" I asked

"Actually, I'm an actor/singer in Russia and we're shooting a movie here. I'm supposed to play a role and sing a song on the soundtrack," He said

"That's cool Alexey, you have to sing to me sometime," I laughed. I gave him a playful punch in the arm

"Maybe," he said


"Thanks Alexey, really appreciate it," I said as we walked to my porch.

"My pleasure, I hope we can do this again," I gave him a hug "Wait, is that a yes on the concert" he asked

I nodded, taking out my key, opening the door, and stepping out of the cold and into my warm home.


Btw the picture of the cute guy is Alexey, this is actually a real guy , and so his music isn't that bad either even though I have no idea what he says

He sort of like Psy so....


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