Don't Waste My Time

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Now that an

Epiphany has occurred

Don't have patience

For drama

Or games

Please, you men

Don't string me along

Don't lead me on

Don't get controlling

Whatever you do

Don't waste my time

27 going on 28


17 going on 18

Maturity to settle

Is upon me

I know what

I want

I want it all

The husband

Who adores me

The kids

Who are my pride and joy

The job

That provides and

That I actually enjoy

I want

The brass ring

Ready to reach

For it

Don't waiting

Can see the light


Utmost importance

To avoid

The bullshit train

Parade of losers

Circle of dramatic jerks

Gaggle of arrogant, controlling pricks

One focus

For me now

In my personal life

Piece of the puzzle

He doesn't have to be

Perfect for all

He just has to be

Right for me

For so long

I've watched

People finding

Getting married

But I wasn't ready

So I looked past

Now, as if

My eyes have been

Awakened for the first time

I see myself

The world

In a new light

I will look

Yet I will let

Time take its course

My friends encouraged

To help

Everything happens

For a reason

So when will

My one and only

Arrive in my life?

Asking the fates

Don't waste my time


I'm ready for

My happily ever after

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