Memory Lane

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When Demi & I got back to our apartment, Joe pulled in behind us. I didn't talk much on the ride home since I didn't have anything to say as Demi gushed about how amazing Joe was. I wanted to tell her how amazing he was not, but I didn't have any proof. I didn't want her to come up with excuses to defend his actions, either. I also didn't know the entire story. For all I knew, Gigi was a fan & he was humoring her. Or he was just keeping his options open. He didn't do anything with her that could be considered cheating, so I needed to keep my mouth shut for now. I was going with my gut, however, on this one & I had a bad feeling that Joe wasn't as amazing as she thought he was.

I excused myself once we got into the apartment & headed straight to my room. I looked, frantically, for my earbuds & sat on my bed, watching videos on my phone. I was out of the loop, a little, with technology, since overseas we were very limited to what we had, but I was enjoying all that I had missed out on.

I ended up falling asleep, shortly after I started watching some TV show online. I woke up when I heard yelling & sat up, yanking my earbuds from my ears. It was Joe who was yelling & I could kind of make out some of what he was saying. It seemed he was mad that they weren't having sex, because Demi didn't want to be disrespectful to me. I smirked to myself as I jumped out of bed to put my head against the door so I could hear better.

"We could have been quiet, ya know? I mean... what? Are we not going to have sex, ever, while he's staying here?" Joe asked, his voice squeaking.

"First of all, he isn't staying here, Joe. He's living here. And second of all, we can have sex when he's not in the next room or when we're at your place. Stop being a big fucking baby. Is sex all that we have between us?" Demi wasn't screaming, but she wasn't trying to be quiet either.

I was proud of her, at that moment, because it seemed that she was being smarter than I had given her credit for. "Baby... no... sex isn't all we have... but it's amazing & I love sex with you. I'm a horny guy, what can I say? You make me horny." Joe's voice was making me ill & I didn't want to hear anymore since I could hear sounds like they were kissing.

I stuck my buds back in my ear & laid down on my bed. I didn't want to hear anymore. I was hoping Demi would tell his ass to leave, but I found out that didn't happen, when I got up the next morning & saw Joe in the kitchen pouring himself some coffee. "Morning!" Joe said in a chipper voice.

"Good morning." I mumbled as I sat at the counter. "Is there enough for me?" I asked, nodding my head toward the coffee pot in Joe's hand.

He nodded, flashing me a smile as he grabbed a mug & put it in front of me. He poured the coffee into the mug as I rubbed my hands over my face. "Sleep okay?" He asked.

"Yea." I answered, lifting the mug to my mouth.

"Hope we didn't wake ya." Joe chuckled leaning his ass against the counter.

I scowled, shaking my head, trying not to look him in the eyes. "Nope."

"We had a little fight, but then we made up. Twice." He bit his lip as he nodded, looking straight ahead as if he were remembering their making up. God, I hated this guy & I didn't even have a good reason why. He just rubbed me the wrong way.

Thank God I put my earbuds back in last night. "Didn't hear a thing." I muttered as I stood up. I headed to the couch & flipped on the TV.

"So what have you got planned for today?" Joe asked as he walked into the living room & stood beside the couch, holding his mug with one hand. The way he was standing annoyed me.

"I'm picking up a car today. And my license from Demi's mom. I also have a few places I'm going to turn in job applications at."

"Solid." Joe replied, watching the TV.

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